Table 78b: Tuberculosis patients who complete a curative course of treatment within 12 months of initiation of treatment, by ethnicity, United States, 2000

  All persons Hispanic* All races** White Black
Population group Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number***
Total 80.2 11,427 79.8 2,701 80.3 8,726 81.2 2,461 80.7 3,596
    0-17 89.8 1,027 88.6 379 90.5 648 91.0 111 90.9 369
    18-44 78.1 5,071 77.9 1,447 78.2 3,624 79.6 701 76.9 1,656
    45-64 80.4 3,269 80.4 583 80.3 2,686 80.0 822 81.5 1,112
    65 and over 81.0 2,060 78.3 292 81.5 1,768 82.6 827 86.1 459
    Female 80.4 4,373 82.5 1,039 79.7 3,334 80.2 844 81.1 1,310
    Male 80.1 7,054 78.3 1,662 80.7 5,392 81.7 1,617 80.4 2,286

*Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

**Includes persons of other single races and persons of multiple race.

***Numbers shown are for numerators only.

Note: The population categories used in this table are as reported from the source of the data (see below).

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National TB Surveillance System.

Table 78c Table 78a

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