Table 138a: Families not very satisfied that they can get health care if they need it, by race, United States, 2001

  Total White Black API AI/AN
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total 25.9 0.6 25.1 0.6 28.1 1.6 38.9 3.4 33.9 4.7
    0-17 * * * * * * * * * *
    18-44 29.7 0.8 29.4 0.9 28.4 1.9 38.7 4.3 * *
    45-64 25.2 0.7 24.0 0.8 29.0 2.1 43.4 5.2 * *
    65 and over 18.0 1.0 17.0 1.0 25.3 3.1 * * * *
    Male 25.1 0.8 24.0 0.8 27.6 1.8 39.6 4.3 * *
    Female 26.9 0.7 26.2 0.7 28.4 1.9 37.8 5.2 * *
Family incomea                    
    Negative or poor 37.8 1.4 37.6 1.7 34.3 2.6 * * * *
    Near poor/low 33.1 1.1 33.2 1.2 30.6 2.9 * * * *
    Middle 26.4 0.8 26.0 0.9 27.6 2.1 * * * *
    High 17.9 0.7 16.9 0.7 19.7 2.3 33.8 4.6 * *
Educationb(age 18 and over)                    
    Less than high school graduate 33.7 1.0 34.4 1.2 30.1 2.5 * * * *
    High school graduate 25.8 0.9 24.5 0.9 31.2 2.3 * * * *
    At least some college 22.7 0.8 21.7 0.8 24.4 1.9 37.8 4.2 * *
Insurance coverage                    
Under age 65                    
    Any private 22.0 0.6 21.3 0.7 23.7 1.6 33.5 3.9 * *
    Public only 35.9 1.9 37.6 2.5 27.9 3.2 * * * *
    Uninsured 53.3 1.4 53.3 1.6 50.6 3.5 * * * *
Age 65 and over                    
    Medicare only 22.1 1.8 21.1 1.9 28.7 4.9 * * * *
    Medicare and private 14.7 1.2 14.4 1.3 17.4 4.2 * * * *
    Medicare and other public 22.2 2.6 19.8 2.8 * * * * * *
Residence locationc                    
    Metropolitan-large 27.7 0.8 26.7 0.8 29.7 2.0 38.4 3.8 * *
    Metropolitan-small 23.2 0.8 23.0 0.9 22.7 2.2 * * * *
    Micropolitan 23.9 1.5 22.4 1.5 29.0 3.5 * * * *
    Noncore-adjacent 24.7 1.9 24.7 2.0 * * * * * *
    Noncore-rural 29.8 4.3 29.1 4.4 * * * * * *

aNegative or poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

bLess than high school graduate refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education.

cSee MEPS entry in the Data Sources Appendix (Appendix A) for more information.

*Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Key: API: Asian or Pacific Islander; AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; SE: Standard error.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

Table 138b Table 137a

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