Table 115a: Race/Ethnicity - Obstetric trauma per 1000 instrument-assisted vaginal deliveries, by race/ethnicity, 2001

  Total White Black API Hispanic (of any race)
Population group Ratea SE Ratea SE Ratea SE Ratea SE Ratea SE
Total 245.718 2.032 250.868 2.615 206.432 6.272 247.681 8.191 245.108 4.777
Age groups for obstetric conditions                    
    10-14 291.056 33.380 * * * * * * * *
    15-17 241.741 8.493 214.109 13.226 264.742 17.633 * * 272.446 15.446
    18-24 241.509 3.438 238.886 4.696 211.296 8.970 253.623 21.623 258.866 6.895
    25-34 276.955 2.845 286.218 3.511 214.233 11.111 272.301 9.654 255.305 7.728
    35 and over 247.419 5.797 258.122 6.946 169.332 22.104 270.668 19.337 213.175 18.327
Median income of patient ZIP Code                    
    Less than $25,000 222.816 9.141 211.709 14.864 227.429 17.273 * * 228.156 17.604
    $25,000-$34,999 221.212 4.524 216.463 5.949 198.763 11.643 262.542 32.940 240.761 9.710
    $35,000-$44,999 243.406 4.279 248.699 5.601 205.267 12.267 229.802 24.166 245.725 9.176
    $45,000 or more 257.958 2.808 265.344 3.500 205.665 11.141 248.050 9.117 250.135 7.430
Residence location                    
    Metropolitan 249.859 2.194 257.047 2.898 207.643 6.638 247.351 8.306 247.781 4.950
    Micropolitan 219.023 7.189 220.659 8.120 220.613 28.085 * * 204.364 23.540
    Non-Core 221.739 8.137 226.737 9.123 174.414 26.099 * * 215.759 28.741
Location of inpatient treatment                    
    Northeast 267.826 5.371 267.331 6.350 238.596 17.721 251.030 24.078 293.382 20.248
    Midwest 263.561 4.331 264.580 4.865 222.170 12.994 367.013 28.588 281.908 25.854
    South 243.864 3.139 238.009 4.132 196.534 8.262 281.662 16.646 289.704 7.120
    West 216.205 4.344 238.726 6.935 176.385 24.364 213.683 10.935 191.952 7.042
Expected payment source                    
    Private insurance 255.452 2.567 263.782 3.031 218.351 9.831 255.513 9.381 208.099 8.658
    Medicare 154.559 37.457 161.922 45.801 * * * * * *
    Medicaid 222.668 3.675 205.768 5.700 194.592 8.765 195.921 19.089 254.596 6.355
    Other insurance 268.835 12.295 271.381 16.998 221.829 31.593 * * 273.868 26.264
    Uninsured/self pay/no charge 257.522 10.433 209.452 19.184 232.969 32.500 236.246 43.827 299.626 15.450

a Rates are adjusted by age. When reporting is by age, there is no adjustment.

* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: API: Asian or Pacific Islander; SE: Standard error.

Note: The population categories used in this table are as reported from the source of the data (see below).

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, State Inpatient Databases, disparities analysis file, 2001. This file is designed to provide national estimates on disparities using weighted records from a sample of hospitals from the following 22 states: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, KS, MD, MA, MI, MO, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, and WI.

Table 116a Table 114a

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