Indian Health Service (HIS) National Patient Information Reporting System (NPIRS)


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Indian Health Service.

Mode of Administration

The IHS National Patient Information Reporting System serves as an agency-wide statistical information system and warehouse of Indian health and health system data.

Survey Sample Design

Not applicable.

Primary Survey Content

Not applicable.

Population Targeted

NPIRS is the national data repository for IHS statistical health care data on patient registration and visit encounters occurring at either IHS facilities or contracting facilities that provide care. It collects data on persons who are members of federally recognized tribes that access IHS services.

Demographic Data

Age, Gender, Indian Status.

Years Collected

1997 to present.



Geographic Estimates

National IHS service area estimates (including Aberdeen, Alaska, Albuquerque, Bemidji, Billings, Nashville, Navajo, Oklahoma, Phoenix, Tucson, excluding Portland and California Service Areas).


Because of concerns about the quality of the data, hospitalizations from the California and Portland regions were deleted; the denominator was correspondingly reduced.

Contact Information

Agency homepage:



Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) HIV Research Network (HIVRN)

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