The Commonwealth Fund 2001 Health Care Quality Survey


The Commonwealth Fund

Mode of Administration

The Commonwealth Fund 2001 Health Care Quality Survey was a telephone survey conducted in English, Spanish, Mandarin or Cantonese, Vietnamese and Korean.

Survey Sample Design

A stratified minority sample design was used. The survey employed standard list-assisted random-digit dialing methods, and telephone numbers from area code-exchange combinations with higher-than-average densities of minority households were drawn disproportionately.

Primary Survey Content

The survey collected current information on the health care experiences of respondents, including information on health status, use of preventive services, access-to-care issues, experiences with the doctor-patient encounter, communication, health literacy, and compliance.

Population Targeted

The survey is a nationally representative survey of the U.S. adult population age 18 and older. In addition, the survey allows separate analyses of responses by African-American, Hispanic and Asian households.

Demographic Data

Age, gender, race, ethnicity, country of birth, region, primary language spoken, insurance coverage, employment status, marital status, and household composition.

Years Collected




Geographic Estimates


Contact Information

Commonwealth Fund Web site:


Princeton Survey Research Associates. Methodology: Survey on Disparities in Health Care Quality: Spring 2001. Princeton, NJ; February 28 2002.

Collins KS, Hughes D, Doty M, Ives B, Edwards J, Tenney K. Diverse Communities, Common Concerns: Assessing Health Care Quality for Minority Americans: Commonwealth Fund; March 2002.

Community Health Center (CHC) User Survey 4. Priority Populations

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