NRSA Workshop: Improving Quality by Aligning Physicians—Exploring Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Slide Presentation by Sayeda Haq

On June 2, 2007, Sayeda Haq made a slide presentation on Improving Quality by Aligning Physicians at the 13th Annual National Research Service Award (NRSA) Trainees Research Conference. This is the text version of the slide presentation. Select to access the slide presentation (PDF File, 245 KB). PDF Help.

Slide 1

Improving Quality by Aligning Physicians—
Exploring Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Sayeda Haq
Schneider Institute for Health Policy,
The Heller School for Social Policy and Management,
Brandeis University

Slide 2

Substance Abuse Care & Alignment

Alignment is crucial in SA care as…

Thomas 2007

Slide 3

Quality Chasm in Substance Abuse Care

Slide 4

New Medication - Buprenorphine


Slide 5

An Alignment Problem?

In multivariate result, organizational support remained important in MD’s adoption decision, after controlling for MD demographics, case mix, practice characteristics etc. Chart depicts the following:

When Organization Recommends:

When Organization Does Not Recommend:

Thomas 2007

Slide 6

What Determines Alignment?

Landon et al (1998)

Slide 7

Conceptual Framework

 Enabling Coercive
Enabling bureaucracy
Encourage motivation based on identification Efficiencies of high formalization as well as positive attitudinal outcomes
Negative attitudinal outcomes, low levels of motivation/satisfaction Formalization seen as a necessary evil
Empowers employees in non-routine tasks Encourage motivation based on identification, positive attitudinal outcomes
Negative attitudinal outcomes, low levels of motivation/satisfaction

Adler and Borys, 1996

Slide 8

Research Question & Hypotheses

What specific structural or normative strategies used by organizations are effective in aligning physicians?

Physicians’ alignment (loyalty, commitment) increases when:

  1. Organizations offer value-added services, such as training, supporting staff, etc.
  2. Governance-style is consensus-based and participatory.
  3. Leadership shares information leading to goal-congruence.
  4. Free flow of information, frank discussion of failures, collegial relationship exists among employees.

Slide 9

Analytical Model


Strategies (independent variables):

Alignment (dependent variable):

Bulleted items are in three boxes. Arrows go from the first box (Treatment and Organization) to the second box (Structural and Normative/informative) to the third box (When organization adopts and affiliated MDs prescribe).

Slide 10

Sample – Study Population

Part of a larger study by Schneider Institute

Slide 11

Preliminary (Bivariate) findings

StructuralStructural Structural% Aligned% Non-Aligned
Value-addedOrgs encourage training*Very much4654
Value-addedOrgs encourage training*Not much2674
OperationalWhole team involved in clinical decisions**Very much4654
OperationalWhole team involved in clinical decisions**Not much1387
NormativeNormative Normative% Aligned% Non-Aligned
FormalGeneral agreement on opiate Tx method*Very much5050
FormalGeneral agreement on opiate Tx method*Not much2674
InformalMed Dir perceived as sharing medical info***Very much5149
InformalMed Dir perceived as sharing medical info***Not much1486
InformalStrong identification w/org. mission**Very much4159
InformalStrong identification w/org. mission**Not much0100

* p-value < 0.1, ** p-value < 0.05, *** p-value < 0.01

Slide 12

Research Implications

Current as of October 2007

Internet Citation:

Haq, Sayeda. Improving Quality by Aligning Physicians—Exploring Substance Abuse Treatment Centers. Text Version of a Slide Presentation. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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