Issue Date: March 3, 2003 ________________________________________________________________

Effective Date: February 24, 2003


Expiration Date: March 3, 20003


Subject: Implementation of Final Rule 20 CFR Part 30.

Background: 20 CFR Part 30, "Claims for Compensation Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, as Amended," was issued as a final rule on December 26, 2002.

This rule became effective on February 24, 2003, and applies to all claims filed on or after that date. This rule also applies to any claims that are pending on February 24, 2003.

Many portions of the rule were revised. The more substantial revisions that require actions by the CE are discussed below. Revised items that are already addressed in the Procedure Manual or other bulletins are not covered in this bulletin.

Attachment 1 summarizes the revisions made to the Final Rule 20 CFR Part 30. Notations are included for those revisions already included in the Procedure Manual or a bulletin.

Attachment 2 lists where the sections were originally published in the interim final rule compared to the final rule, as well as any additions or deletions of entire sections. Please note that additions and deletions of just part of a section are NOT on this list.

Reference: Final Rule 20 CFR Part 30; Public Laws 107-20 and 107-107.

Purpose: To address issues related to revisions made to the Final Rule 20 CFR Part 30.

Applicability: All staff.


1. Unpaid lump-sum payments of compensation may be subject to garnishment to collect overdue alimony and child support. A request of this type is processed at the district office. The CE must ensure that the request is accompanied by a copy of the pertinent State agency or court order. If such a request is received currently, the district office should forward it to the National Office for processing. (Section 30.15(b))

2. A person filing a claim must inform OWCP of any changes to the information reported on the EE-1 or EE-2 claim forms. This is necessary since the EE/EN-15 will no longer be used. Information previously requested on the EE-15 form will now be requested on the new EE-1 and EE-2 forms (available soon). The CE should be aware of any changes to information contained on the EE-1 or EE-2 forms. Chapter 2-200, "Establishing Survivorship," will be revised to delete the need to use the EE/EN-15 forms. For claims that have been submitted, to date, on the old EE-1 and EE-2 forms, the CE must continue to send out the EE-15. The EE-15 is only unnecessary when the claim is submitted on the new EE-1 or EE-2. (Sections 30.100(c)(1) and 30.101(d)(1))

Alternative methods of establishing the requisite period of covered employment in the absence of supporting DOE data are addressed in section 30.112, which is a new section. PM Chapter 2-400, "Establishing Employment Using the EE-5 or Other Evidence," addresses many of these methods. The CE must become familiar with the content of this section.

One issue not previously addressed concerns DOE (1) certifying that it disagrees with the claimant’s employment information or (2) noting that it can neither concur nor disagree with the claimant’s employment information. The CE needs to evaluate the evidence submitted by the claimant to determine whether the claimant has established covered employment by a preponderance of the evidence. These issues will become simpler when an upcoming revision of the EE-5 form becomes available.

Another issue concerns situations where the only evidence of covered employment is an affidavit from the claimant, and DOE either disagrees with the assertion of covered employment or cannot concur or disagree with the assertion of covered employment. In this case, the language of the new regulation is stronger in suggesting that the CE may reject the claim based upon a lack of evidence of covered employment.

4. A new Section 30.114 gives additional guidance as to how evidence will be evaluated. PM Chapter 2-300, "Developing and Weighing Medical Evidence," addresses many of these types of medical evidence. Although the claimant’s evidentiary burden of proof has not been changed, this section reflects the flexible standard for considering a claimant’s medical evidence in view of the fact that there may be missing information in the record.

5. A new Section 30.212 now specifically addresses claims for cancer not based on membership in the SEC. PM Chapter 2-500, "Establishing Covered Employment with the Department of Energy," addresses many of these issues. The CE must be familiar with the content of this new section, especially with regard to whether the evidence of record supports expanding the relevant time frame for a DOE or AWE facility.

6. Sections 30.220 – 30.225 are relevant to the medical benefits available for consequential injuries of all the occupational illnesses covered under the Act. The CE must review the requirements of these sections concerning chronic silicosis (Sections 30.220 and 30.222) and uranium employees (Section 30.225). A new section 30.226 has been added to address the type of medical evidence that will be needed to establish a causal relationship between a consequential injury and a section 5 RECA illness. The requirement for all cases is that an illness, injury, impairment or disability sustained as a consequence of a covered medical condition must be established with a fully rationalized medical report by a physician that shows the relationship between the illness, injury, impairment or disability and the accepted medical condition. Further instructions regarding consequential injuries will be provided in a transmittal to be released shortly.

7. The requirement that the claimant raise a specific objection to a particular finding of fact or conclusion of law in the recommended decision is removed. FAB personnel must be aware that the claimant needs to state his/her objection to the decision. The claimant does not need to specify precisely the content of the objection in order to be considered. Also, the postmark on the claimant’s letter or the date that the written statement is received at FAB, whichever is earlier, should be used as the "filing" date with regards to the 60 day requirement to respond after the issuance of the recommended decision. PM Chapter 2-1300, "Review Process," addresses this issue and will be revised. (Sections 30.310(b), 30.311(a), 30.312 and 30.314(b))

8. It is OWCP’s policy to schedule the FAB hearing, whenever possible, at a location that is within a reasonable distance from the claimant’s residence. FAB personnel must schedule the hearing at a location that is within 200 miles (roundtrip) of the claimant’s residence. In unusual circumstances, a hearing may be scheduled at a distance greater than 200 miles roundtrip. In these cases, the claimant is reimbursed for reasonable and necessary travel expenses. PM Chapter 2-1400, "Hearings and Reviews of the Written Record," will be revised to address this issue. (Section 30.314(a))

9. The past requirement that a recommended decision is automatically affirmed if no final decision is issued within one year of receipt of the case file from the district office has been changed. The final regulation states that the recommended decision is automatically affirmed one year after the receipt of a written objection and/or request for hearing, or one year from the date of the expiration of the 60 days (for submission of objections) after the recommended decision. PM Chapter 2-1400, "Hearings and Reviews of the Written Record," Section 5 will be revised to address this issue. (Section 30.316(c))

10. The claimant may request that OWCP reopen his or her claim at any time after the FAB has issued a final decision by submitting new and material evidence of covered employment or exposure to radiation, beryllium or silica; or by identifying a material change in the probability of causation guidelines, dose reconstruction methods or an addition of a class of employees to the SEC that occurred after the FAB issued a final decision on the claim. If the Director concludes that the information submitted is material to the claim, the claim will be reopened and returned to the district office for a new determination on the merits of the claim. A specific statement was added that the Director can vacate any other (non-final) decision of FAB. The language no longer refers to a "modification order," and now simply states that a case may be "reopened." The FAB letters currently reflect this change. (Section 30.320)

11. The general restriction is removed on who may accompany a claimant during a second opinion examination. However, OWCP will retain the restriction for use if the person accompanying the claimant disrupts the examination and OWCP has to refer the claimant to a different physician for the requested second opinion examination. This change to Section 10(e) of PM Chapter 2-300, "Developing and Weighing Medical Evidence," will be reflected in the upcoming bulletin on Medical Second Opinions. (Section 30.410)

12. The general restriction is removed on who may accompany a claimant during a referee examination. However, OWCP will retain the restriction for use if the person accompanying the claimant disrupts the examination and OWCP has to refer the claimant to a different physician for the requested referee examination. The CE should be aware of this change to Section 11(d) of PM Chapter 2-300, "Developing and Weighing Medical Evidence," which will be reflected in a future revision. (Section 30.411)

13. Covered employees whose sole occupational illness is beryllium sensitivity are now entitled to the same medical treatments as those with CBD. The letter that is currently sent out to the employees covered for beryllium sensitivity reflects this change. PM Chapter 2-700, "Eligibility Criteria for Beryllium Illness," will be revised to include this requirement. (Section 30.507)

14. Section 30.603 is a new section added to reflect the statutory limits on attorney fees enacted in section 3151(a)(6) of Public Law 107-107. All DEEOIC personnel must be familiar with these limits. The fee limitations shall not apply with respect to representative services that are not rendered in connection with a claim pending before OWCP.

Disposition: Retain until incorporated in the Federal (EEOICPA) Procedure Manual.


Director, Division of Energy Employees

Occupational Illness Compensation

Distribution List No. 1: Claims Examiners, Supervisory Claims Examiners, Technical Assistants, Customer Service Representatives, Fiscal Officers, FAB District Managers, Operation Chiefs, Hearing Representatives, District Office Mail & File Sections


Summary of Revisions to Final Rule 20 CFR Part 30

NOTE: Revisions addressed in the Procedure Manual or a bulletin are indicated.

Section 30.2

Language indicating that OWCP will provide information on the types and availability of medical testing and diagnostic services has been added to section 30.2(a). Informational

Section 30.5(dd)

Rewritten to clarify that as a specified cancer, lung cancer does not have a required latency period.

Addition of renal cancers to the list of specified cancers made by section 2403(a) of Public Law 107-20.

Modification of the provision for leukemia made by section 3151(a) (1) of Public Law 107-107.

Addressed in PM Chapter 2-600.

Section 30.15

Addition of new paragraph (b) noting that unpaid lump-sum payments of compensation may be subject to garnishment to collect overdue alimony and child support.

Sections 30.100(c)(1) and 30.101(d)(1)

Addition of requirement that person filing a claim inform OWCP of any changes to the information reported on the claim form. This was necessary when the decision was made to drop the EE/EN-15 and ask for the same information up front.

Section 30.112

New section 30.112 has been added to illustrate alternative methods of establishing the requisite period of covered employment in the absence of supporting DOE data.

Former section 30.112 from the interim final rule has been renumbered as section 30.113 to accommodate this new section.

Section 30.114

New section 30.114 gives additional guidance as to how evidence will be evaluated.

Although the claimant’s evidentiary burden of proof has not been changed, the section reflects the flexible standard for considering a claimant’s evidence in view of the fact that there may be gaps in the record.

Section 30.115

Replaces the exemption in former section 30.115(b) with a clause in section 30.115(a) exempting any non-radiogenic cancer listed by the Department of Health and Human Services in 42 C.F.R. section 81.30 from referral for a dose reconstruction, because that regulation affirmatively directs DOL to "assign a probability of causation of zero" to any such cancers (and therefore a referral for dose reconstruction would serve no useful purpose).

Addressed in Bulletin 02-13, "Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cases."

Section 30.213

Divided for clarity into two sections to reflect the two methods to claim benefits for cancer.

Section 30.213 in the interim final rule has been renumbered as section 30.214.

New section 30.212 now specifically addresses claims for cancer not based on membership in the SEC.

Section 30.212 in the interim final rule has been renumbered as section 30.213.

Sections 30.215, 30.217 and 30.220

In order to clarify that medical benefits are available for consequential injuries of all the occupational illnesses covered under the Act, these sections (renumbered as section 30.220, 30.222 and 30.225) have been revised.

New section 30.226 has been added to address the type of medical evidence that will be needed to establish a causal relationship between a consequential injury and a section 5 RECA illness.

Sections 30.310(b), 30.311(a), 30.312 and 30.314(b)

Removed the requirement that the claimant raise a specific objection to a particular finding of fact or conclusion of law.

Section 30.314(a)

Revised to state that it is OWCP’s policy to schedule the FAB hearing, whenever possible, at a location that is within a reasonable distance from the claimant’s residence.

Section 30.316(c)

The event that will commence the one-year period for deeming a recommended decision to be affirmed has been changed from the receipt of the case file from the district office to the receipt of a written objection and/or hearing request, or the expiration of 60 days from the date the recommended decision is issued in the absence of a written objection and/or hearing request.

Section 30.320

Claimant can request that OWCP reopen his or her claim at any time by submitting new and material evidence of covered employment or exposure to radiation, beryllium or silica; or by identifying a material change in the probability of causation guidelines, dose reconstruction methods or an addition of a class of employees to the SEC that occurred after the FAB issued a final decision on the claim.

If the required showing of materiality is met, the claim will be reopened and returned to the district office for a new determination on the merits of the claim.

Specific statement that Director can vacate any other (non-final) decision of FAB.


Section 30.404

Modified to establish a roundtrip distance of up to 200 miles as what OWCP will generally consider a reasonable distance to travel.

If travel of more than 200 miles is contemplated, or if air travel or overnight accommodations will be needed, the employee must request prior approval from OWCP demonstrating the circumstances and necessity for such travel.

Addressed in Section 15 of PM Chapter 2-300, "Developing and Weighing Medical Evidence."

Section 30.410

General restriction on who may accompany claimant during a second opinion examinations has been lifted.

However, OWCP will retain the restriction for use if the person accompanying the claimant disrupts the examination and OWCP has to refer the claimant to a different physician for the requested second opinion examination.

Section 30.411

General restriction on who may accompany claimant during a referee examination has also been lifted.

However, OWCP will retain the restriction for use if the person accompanying the claimant disrupts the examination and OWCP has to refer the claimant to a different physician for the requested referee examination.

Sections 30.500, 30.501 and 30.502

Completely rewritten to reflect enactment of section 3151(a)(4) of Public Law 107-107, which amended the survivor provisions in section 7384s(e) and 7384u(e) of EEOICPA.

Definition for "widow or widower" from section 30.5(gg) of the interim final regulations has been modified and consolidated with the other statutory definitions in section 30.500.

Addressed in PM Chapter 2-200, "Establishing Survivorship."

Section 30.505

Divided into two sections to distinguish the pre-payment actions OWCP will take before it pays compensation from the payment mechanisms it will use to make such payments.

Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) from former section 30.505 are retained in final section 30.505, and the remaining paragraphs from former section 30.505 are now in final section 30.506.

Section 30.505(b)

More thoroughly defines the type of payment that will necessitate an offset, and how OWCP will determine the value of any such payment.

Provides for deductions from the amount to be offset (for reasonable attorney’s fees and itemized costs of suit) in order to arrive at the amount of the required offset of EEOICPA benefits.

Provides that an offset will result in the reduction of an unpaid lump-sum payment first.

Indicates that OWCP will not offset any EEOICPA benefits if a claimant has already had his or her benefits under section 5 of the RECA reduced to reflect a payment that would otherwise require an offset of EEOICPA benefits.

Addressed in Bulletin 02-20, "Offsetting Compensation Payments."

Section 30.506

Renumbered as section 30.507 following the split of former section 30.505 into two sections.

Revised to state that covered employees whose sole occupational illness is beryllium sensitivity are entitled to the same medical benefits provided to other covered employees.

Section 30.603

New section added to reflect the statutory limits on attorney fees enacted in section 3151(a)(6) of Public Law 107-107.

Sections 30.615 and 30.616

To conform regulations to section 3151(a)(5) of Public Law 107-107, which amended the election of remedy provisions in section 7385d of EEOICPA, prior section 30.615 and 30.616 have been rewritten as section 30.615 through 30.619.

Prior section 30.617 has been renumbered as section 30.620 to accommodate these changes.

Addressed in Bulletin 02-05, "Election of Remedies."

Interim Final Rule (IFR) to Final Rule (FR) Section Comparisons


IFR section: FR section:

























30.112 (new section)

30.112..............30.113, 30.114









30.213..............30.214, 30.212 (new section)






30.226 (new section)















30.320 (deleted) 30.320 (new section)

















30.500 (deleted) 30.500 (new section)

30.501 (deleted) 30.501 (new section)

30.502 (deleted) 30.502 (new section)

30.505..............30.505, 30.506










30.603 (new section)








30.615 (deleted) 30.615 (new section)

30.616 (deleted) 30.616 (new section)


30.617 (new section)

30.618 (new section)

30.619 (new section)
























