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2005 PUMS Race 2 Code List

PUMS Code Race 2 Description Race 2 Code
01 White alone 100-199
02 Black or African American alone 200-299
03 Apache alone A09-A23
04 Blackfeet alone A45-A50
05 Cherokee alone B21-B36
06 Cheyenne alone B40-B45
07 Chickasaw alone B53-B56
08 Chippewa alone B67-B99
09 Choctaw alone C08-C16
10 Colville alone C35-C38
11 Comanche alone C39-C43
12 Creek alone C64-C80
13 Crow alone C83-C86
14 Delaware alone C93-D04
15 Houma alone D78-D86
16 Iroquois alone D93-E09
17 Lumbee alone E78-E83
18 Menominee alone F11-F14
19 Navajo alone F62-F70
20 Paiute alone G23-G49
21 Pima alone G84-G91
22 Potawatomi alone H21-H33
23 Pueblo alone H38-H65
24 Puget Sound Salish alone H70-H92
25 Seminole alone J47-J57
26 Sioux alone K16-K53
27 Tohono O'Odham alone K77-K86
28 Yakama alone L79-L84
29 Yaqui alone L91-L99
30 Yuman alone M22-M33
31 Other specified American Indian tribes alone A01-A04, A05-A08, A24-A30, A31-A33, A34-A3, A38-A41, A42-A44, A51-A53, A54-A55, A56-A60, A61-A74, A75-A90, A92-A93, A94, A95, A97-B03, A96, B04-B06, B07-B10, B11-B13, B14-B18, B19-B20, B37-B39, B46-B48, B49-B52, B57-B66, C01-C04, C05-C07, C17-C19, C20-C24, C25, C26-C28, C29-C31, C32-C34, C44-C45, C46, C47-C48, C49-C51, C52-C55, C56-C58, C59-C63, C81-C82, C87-C88, C89-C92, D05-D19, D20-D26, D28-D41, D42-D43, D44-D45, D46-D48, D49-D50, D51-D54, D55-D56, D57, D58-D59, D60-D63, D64-D66, D67-D69, D70-D75, D76-D77, D87-D90, D91-D92, E10-E12, E13-E16, E17-E20, E21-E23, E24-E29, E30-E36, E37-E43, E44-E47, E48-E49, E50-E52, E53-E58, E59-E65, E66-E77, E84-E86, E87-E94, E95-E99, F01-F04, F05-F08, F09-F10, F15-F16, F17-F23, F24-F26, F27-F30, F31-F33, F34-F35, F36-F41, F42-F45, F46-F47, F48, F49-F52, F53-F55, F56, F57-F61, F71-F74, F75-F76, D27, F77-F79, F80-F94, F95-F98, F99, G01-G03, G04-G09, G10-G13, G14-G22, G50-G52, G53-G60, G61-G67, G68-G71, G72-G76, G77-G83, G92-G95, G96-G98, G99, H01-H14,H66-H69,H93-H96, H15-H20, H34-H37, H97-I99, J01-J04, J05-J06, J07-J13, J14-J18, J19-J27, J28-J30, J31-J34, J35-J38, J39-J46,J58-J61, J62-J65, J66-J73, J74-J77, J78-J80, J81-J92, J93-J99, K01-K09, K10-K15, K54-K58, K59-K66, K67-K76, K87-K89, A91, K90-K92, K93, K94-K96, K97-K99, L01-L05, L06-L14, L15-L18, L19-L21, L22-L27, L28-L33, L34-L37, L38-L46, L47-L51, L52-L54, L55-L65, L66-L70, L71, L72-L78, L85-L90, M01-M06, M07-M15, M16-M21, M34-M38
32 Combinations of American Indian tribes only M40-M43, A01-M38
33 American Indian or Alaska Native, tribe not specified; or American Indian and Alaska Native A01-R99
34 Alaska Athabascan alone M52-N27
35 Aleut alone R11-R98
36 Eskimo alone N67-R10
37 Tlingit-Haida alone N28-N55
38 Alaska Native tribes alone or in combination with other Alaska Native tribes M44-R99
39 American Indian and Alaska Native, not specified 300-399
40 Asian Indian alone 400-401
41 Bangladeshi alone 402
42 Cambodian alone 405-409
43 Chinese alone 410-419
44 Filipino alone 420-421
45 Hmong alone 422
46 Indonesian alone 423-429
47 Japanese alone 430-439
48 Korean alone 440-441
49 Laotian alone 442
50 Malaysian alone 443
51 Pakistani alone 445
52 Sri Lankan alone 446
53 Thai alone 447-449
54 Vietnamese alone 450-459
55 Other specified Asian alone 403, 404, 444
56 Asian, not specified 460-499
57 Combinations of Asian groups only 400-499
58 Native Hawaiian alone 500-509
59 Samoan alone 510-511
60 Tongan alone 513
61 Other Polynesian alone or in combination with other Polynesian groups 500-519
62 Guamanian or Chamorro alone 520-529
63 Other Micronesian alone or in combination with other Micronesian groups 520-529, 531-541
64 Melanesian alone or in combination with other Melanesian groups 542-546
65 Other Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander groups alone or in combination with other Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander groups only 547-599, 530
66 Some other race alone 600-699
67 Two or more races  


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: September 15, 2008