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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ODEP > categories > Workforce > Customized Employment   

Customized Employment Media and Press Releases

Montgomery County, Maryland's County Executive and members of the County's Commission on People with Disabilities, community support organizations, disability advocates, interns, and parents highlighted one of ODEP's Customized Employment initiatives. In a March 13, 2008 County press event, Montgomery Works One Stop Workforce Center, which received ODEP funding to create Customized Employment systems change, was recognized for its work to alleviate the high unemployment rate of people with significant disabilities through a County intern program. Read full press release.

"Workplace Redesign"--Business Woman Magazine published by BPW/USA [Business & Professional Women/USA], Fall 2007 issue, published an article on workplace flexibility and customized employment. (Posted with permission from Business Woman Magazine and the BPW/USA.) [Word]  [PDF]

The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Sloan Work and Family Research Network's Network News interview with ODEP staff (Susan Parker, Christopher Button, Lisa Cuozzo, and Carol Boyer) on Customized Employment, August 2007. (Posted with permission from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Work and Family Research Network.)

Customized Employment: A New Competitive Edge – An article which helps human resource professionals understand the value of Customized Employment.

Customized Employment: A Back-to-Work Strategy for Job Seekers with Spinal Cord Injury, published in the National Spinal Cord Injury Association’s (NSCIA) SCI Life (May/June 2007) newspaper. (Posted with permission from NSCIA.)

Disabled Employees Find Jobs at CVS Are a Good Fit, Providence Journal (November 26, 2006).

ODEP-DOL Grantee Receives Prestigious Eli LillyAward (Press Release, October 10, 2006).

Profile for October 1, 2007 Profile for October 2, 2007 Profile for October 3, 2007 Profile for October 4, 2007 Profile for October 5, 2007 Profile for October 8, 2007 Profile for October 9, 2007 Profile for October 10, 2007 Profile for October 11, 2007 Profile for October 12, 2007 Profile for October 15, 2007 Profile for October 16, 2007 Profile for October 17, 2007 Profile for October 18, 2007 Profile for October 19, 2007 Profile for October 22, 2007 Profile for October 23, 2007 Profile for October 24, 2007 Profile for October 25, 2007 Profile for October 26, 2007 Profile for October 29, 2007 Profile for October 30, 2007 Profile for October 31, 2007

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