Summary of Data from National Studies

Table 1. Data on Rape, Sexual Assault, and Child and Elder Abuse in the United States

Name of Study/Survey Sponsoring Agency(s) Survey Focus Selected Findings
FBI Uniform Crime Report, 2001 FBI, USDOJ Forcible rapes (defined as carnal knowledge) & attempted rapes of females, any age reported to police in 2001 (Excludes statutory rape and rape of males). 90,491 forcible/attempted female rapes.
Rate: 62.2 rapes per 100,000 women
National Crime Victimization Survey, 2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Survey-based estimates of the number of reported & unreported rapes/attempted rapes of men and women over age 12. 147,000 rapes/attempted rapes, men and women. The figure is down from 201,000 rapes estimated in 1999 survey.
National Violence Against Women Survey,
Nov 1995 thru May 1996
CDC/HHS and National Institute of Justice, USDOJ Survey-based estimates of the number of rapes or attempted rapes (defined to include vaginal, oral, and anal sex), physical assault, and stalking of men and women over age 18. Queried lifetime incidence and in 12 months prior to study. 302,000 completed or attempted rapes of women in prior 12 months. Because some women were victims of multiple rapes, estimates indicate that a total of 876,000 rapes occurred during the year. The study also estimates that 93,000 men were raped, and a total of 111,000 rapes occurred during the year.
National Women's Study,
1989 thru 1993
National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH, HHS Physical & sexual assault of women, w/ info on other traumatic events (e.g., Post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol and drug abuse). 683,000 women raped over 12 month period. Eighty-four percent of rapes not reported.
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, 2000 Children's Bureau, Adm. on Children and Families (ACF), HHS All types of abuse and neglect children under age 18. 879,000 cases of abuse & neglect substantiated. Ten percent (87,900 cases) were related to child sexual abuse.
Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-3), 1993 National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, HHS Reported and unreported cases of child abuse and neglect. 1.6 million children abused & neglected, including 300,000 victims of sexual abuse.
National Elder Abuse Incidence Study, 1996 Administration on Children and Families; Administration on Aging, HHS Abuse and neglect (financial, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse or neglect, excluding self-neglect) of non-institutionalized persons over age 60, as reported to adult protective services agencies and "sentinel" community agencies. Estimated 450,000 cases of elder abuse occurred in 1996. This includes 71,000 cases reported and substantiated by Adult Protected Services (APS) agencies, and 379,000 cases that occurred, but were not reported. The number of reported cases is 150 percent higher than in 1986. Females and persons over age 80 at highest risk.

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