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International Trade Update

International Trade Update Masthead

March 2007

(Download the complete issue in PDF format.)

In this issue:

Trade, Competitiveness, and Security Issues at the Forefront of North American Ministerial Meeting
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America meeting in Ottawa, Canada, this February focused on common trade and border challenges as well as formulating a coordinated response to health and security threats.

Commerce Department Launches Initiative to Attract Foreign Investment
Inward investment in the United States is the target of a new federal initiative announced on March 7, 2007, in Washington, D.C.

Import Administration Helps Reel in Fish Duty Cheaters
Action by the Commerce Department’s Import Administration is helping to ensure that U.S. producers of seafood products are not being undercut by unfair competition from abroad.

Americas Competitiveness Forum Update
Progress continues in organizing this June’s Americas Competitiveness Forum. Here are details on two areas of focus: innovation and global supply chain strategies.

Short Takes: News from the International Trade Administration

  • U.S.–Iraq Business Dialogue and Iraqi Business Gateways Initiative Launched
  • Cooperative Agreement Signed to Promote Travel and Tourism Industry
  • Agreement with George Mason University Builds a Bridge between Academia and Government

International Trade Calendar
Highlights of upcoming trade events.

Market of the Month
Saudi Arabia


International Trade Update is published monthly by the Office of Public Affairs of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. A subscription service is available to receive notification by e-mail when new issues are published.

Material in this newsletter may be reproduced unless otherwise noted. When reprinting, please credit the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration.