NTIA Press Releases
For Immediate Release
March 17, 2003
Contact: Clyde Ensslin or
Ranjit de Silva, 202-482-7002


Grant Program Funds Innovations in Technology and Advanced Telecommunications

The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is now accepting applications from qualified applicants for its advanced telecommunications and information technology grant program known as the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP). The deadline for receipt of applications for the Fiscal Year 2003 TOP grant award competition is April 23, 2003.

Grant applicants are encouraged to develop projects of national significance that demonstrate how the public and non-profit sectors can use telecommunications and information technologies to extend valuable services and opportunities to all Americans. Approximately $12.4 million in grants will be awarded in 2003 by the Commerce Department to state, local, and tribal governments and non-profit entities.

TOP is a highly competitive, merit-based, matching grant program providing seed money for innovative, practical projects that use advanced telecommunications and information technology.

"This program demonstrates ways to use information technologies to spur innovation, encourage competition, help create jobs and provide consumers with better quality telecommunications services," said Assistant Secretary Nancy J. Victory.

Information about the program's regulations and procedures can be found in the Notice of Availability of Funds submitted to the Federal Register for publication. The Notice and the Guidelines for Preparing Applications-FY2003 are both available online on NTIA's Web site, www.ntia.doc.gov/top. For more information about TOP, call (202) 482-2048, or e-mail to top@ntia.doc.gov.


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