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Greater Southwest (7) Emergency Preparedness

Robert Hominick
(817) 978-2049

As security planning continues to be a national priority, it is necessary for all federal agencies to be prepared for an unforeseen event. In an emergency GSA's Greater Southwest Region is ready to support federal agencies under the terms of the National Response Plan (NRP) – with buildings and space, supplies, tools and equipment, telecommunications and information technology, transportation, and services.

GSA is responsible for opening and closing federal buildings and leased locations where federal agencies are located. In the event of an emergency, federal employees should follow their own agency's emergency procedures and monitor media announcements to obtain disaster or emergency-related information. GSA will publish emergency information, when necessary, to

All agencies must have a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), which will ensure that all essential agency functions can be carried forth during a catastrophic event. GSA can help other federal agencies with training and support for their COOP planning and can also help with alternate facilities needed during an emergency situation.

Agencies occupying GSA owned and leased buildings should coordinate their alternate work site designation and COOP contact information with Greater Southwest's Emergency Management Director, using the contact information provided on the upper right.