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Middle East Peace
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Middle East Peace


Secretary Rice Remarks at the UN Security Council's 5983rd Meeting on the Situation in the Middle East
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks during a news conference on the situation in the Middle East at the United Nations Headquarters, Friday, Sept. 26, 2008. [©AP Images]Secretary Rice (Sept. 26):
"I come to this Council at a time when we can all look back on just one year ago, when there was no peace process. And there now is a viable, robust peace process. I come to this Council at a time when Israelis and Palestinians are continuing their negotiations toward the establishment of a two-state solution despite complications on both sides. I note, for instance, the meeting of President Peres and President Abu Mazen earlier today, the meeting earlier this week of Foreign Minister Livni and Abu Alaa. I note that President Bush yesterday met with President Abbas and that I will do so later today." Full Text

Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte Remarks at The Middle East Policy Forum, George Washington University
Deputy Secretary Negroponte (Sept. 25):
"Let me be clear: the significant progress of the past 20 months does not mean that our work in Iraq is over. Our goal is an Iraq that is federal, democratic, pluralistic and unified; an Iraq that is at peace with itself, with its neighbors, and with the international community." Full Text


In Focus: Peace in the Middle East

Quartet Statement (9/26)

Quartet Press Availability, UN Headquarters, New York City (9/26)

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