Invest in the future of public health - Donate to the American Public Health Association
For more than 130 years the American Public Health Association (APHA) has led efforts to improve the public's health through advocating for resources to promote a healthy society. In this era of unprecedented challenges, APHA is working to ensure the needs of public health are met.
APHA influences policies and sets priorities on a broad set of issues, including children's health, access to care, environmental health, managed care, public health infrastructure, disease control, health disparities, bioterrorism, international health and tobacco control. APHA advocates for state and federal funding for health and professional education programs in public health.
Your tax-deductible gift will enable APHA to further the cause of public health and create a national movement for all Americans to be able to protect themselves, their families and their communities from preventable, serious health threats.

Giving levels
$1,000 and above: Public Health Benefactor
$ 500 - $999: Public Health Legacy Society
Under $500: Friend of Public Health
To contribute online and pay with a credit card, please choose your donation amount below.

$25 $50 $100 $500 $1000

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Mail Your Contribution
If you prefer to send a tax-deductible contribution by mail, please make your check payable to "American Public Health Association" and mail it to:

American Public Health Association
800 "I" (Eye) Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-3710

Click Here to down load a form.

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