Defense Technology Security Administration

Defense Technology Security Administration

The Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA) administers the development and implementation of Department of Defense (DoD) technology security policies on international transfers of defense-related goods, services and technologies. It ensures that critical U.S. military technological advantages are preserved; transfers that could prove detrimental to U.S. security interests are controlled and limited; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is prevented; diversion of defense-related goods to terrorists is prevented; military interoperability with foreign allies and friends is supported; and the health of the U.S. defense industrial base is assured.

  • Review and coordinate 30,000 export licenses annually and other actions related to export of controlled hardware and technology and provide DoD position to the Departments of State or Commerce
  • Review Commodity Jurisdiction Requests, Enforcement Support, Advisory Opinions, Retransfer Requests
  • Develop and adjudicate positions that address U.S. technology security concerns
  • Develop and advocate technology security policy recommendations consistent with national military strategy and security cooperation guidance
  • Monitor technology transfer related to integration and launch of U.S. space technology on foreign launch vehicles (mandated by 1999 National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA])
  • Advise key acquisition program managers (e.g., Joint Strike Fighter [JSF], Missile Defense) in preparation of technology release roadmaps for international cooperative programs


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