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Office of Spectrum Management (OSM)

The Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) is responsible for managing the Federal Government's use of the radio frequency spectrum. To achieve this, OSM receives assistance and advice from the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC). OSM carrries out this responsibility by:

  • establishing and issuing policy regarding allocations and regulations governing the Federal spectrum use;
  • developing plans for the peacetime and wartime use of the spectrum;
  • preparing for, participating in, and implementing the results of international radio conferences;
  • assigning frequencies;
  • maintaining spectrum use databases;
  • reviewing Federal agencies' new telecommunications systems and certifying that spectrum will be available;
  • providing the technical engineering expertise needed to perform specific spectrum resources assessments and automated computer capabilities needed to carry out these investigations;
  • participating in all aspects of the Federal Government's communications related emergency readiness activities; and,
  • participating in Federal Government telecommunications and automated information systems security activities.

U.S. Federal Activities

International Activities


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management


Spectrum Policy Initiative

More Information

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230