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Public health

The AMA supports a wide range of policies and activities regarding public health issues, including geriatric and adolescent health, violence prevention, health disparities and obesity.

Promoting healthy lifestyles

The AMA will continue to conduct scientific research and develop and disseminate to physicians clinical resources related to the prevention and treatment of public health issues, such as obesity, alcohol and other drug abuse, and violence prevention.

Eliminating health disparities

The AMA stands committed to the elimination of racial and ethnic health care disparities.

Center for Public Health Preparedness and Disaster Response

The AMA strives to be recognized as an important national educational resource for enhancing the disaster preparedness and response capabilities of both civilian and military providers.


The AMA is working to halt the spread of obesity, which kills more Americans every year than AIDS, all cancers and all accidents combined.

Educating Physicians on Controversies and Challenges in Health

AMA has developed a series of informational Web streaming programs targeting primary care physicians.

Roadmaps for Clinical Practice series

The Roadmaps for Clinical Practice Series assists physicians in integrating disease prevention and health promotion into routine clinical care.

Adolescent health

Information on adolescent health topics such as bullying, reproductive health, nutrition, fitness, mental health and substance abuse.

Geriatric health

The AMA's program on Aging and Community Health addresses topics of geriatric health such as older driver safety, caregiver health and dementia.

Alcohol and other drug abuse

Initiatives to reduce underage alcohol abuse.

Violence prevention

Strategies and programs to eliminate family violence in our society.
Last updated: Aug 27, 2008
Content provided by: Public Health