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United States of America

Department of Commerce

Commerce Seal montage illustrating the work Commerce does
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Frequently Asked Questions

This page will be regularly updated and expanded. If your question is not answered below, you may submit it here, or suggest questions you think may be useful to others.

Department of Commerce Bureaus and Agencies
What are the different divisions of the Department of Commerce, and what do they do? (links are to bureau "About Us" web pages)

What is the mission and organization of the Department of Commerce and its tasks?

What is the history and milestones of the Department of Commerce, its Secretaries, and the architecture of the Herbert Hoover Building?

Is the National Aquarium located in the Department of Commerce?

Are there Department of Commerce locations near where I live?

Gulf Coast Contracting
Where can I find information on Gulf Coast contracting opportunities? Does the Department of Commerce award contracts?

Minority Business Opportunities
Where can I find information on minority and small business development?

Economic Data and Statistics
Where can I find useful information about the social, political and economic organization of the United States?

U.S. Population Statistics
Where can I find information about the population of the United States and the individual states and territories?

Time and Standards
How can I find the correct time in different time zones? What is a "leap year" or a "leap second"?

Careers in Commerce
How do I prepare for a career in the Department of Commerce and what are the opportunities?

Faith-Based Community Initiatives
How does the Department of Commerce participate in President Bush's Faith-Based and Community Initiatives?

Where can I find information about national and international weather warnings, forecasts and observations?