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Service Employees Team (SET) Detail Opportunity Notice

**Please distribute to all REE employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area only**


*The deadline for applications is January 18, 2008.

Position Title / GS Level / Location:  Information Technology Specialist; GS-2210-11/12; ARS, U.S. National Arboretum (USNA), Washington, DC

Duties of position:  Plans, implements, and maintains the USNA LAN; provides analysis, design, and programming support for USNA systems; designs, develops, and programs system applications; adapts the systems to improve the processing of information and develops written manuals for both user and system documentation for the systems.

Designs systems in a modular format to allow tailoring and use throughout the USNA.  Responsibilities include identifying potential installation sites, analyzing modification requirements, specification design, implementation and training.  Provides technical support and training to users on the capabilities of these systems.

Performs studies on the latest developments in computerized and telecommunication systems in other agencies, state governments, universities, and private industry to consider their applicability to the needs of USNA and recommends whether or not to implement or adapt for use within USNA organization.

Maintains existing computer and telecommunications systems, including troubleshooting, problem solving, upgrading, debugging, and determining the need for replacement.  Develops comprehensive transition or phase-in plans to effect a smooth implementation with no or minimal loss of operational support to USNA users.

Advises USNA personnel on automation activities, interprets agency policy, establishes, and leads task groups or teams as needed to resolve critical computer-related issues.  Responsibilities include development of and involvement in training and implementation initiatives; data communication; and the LAN.  Also serves as technical consultant on computer compatible hardware and software.  Software includes Microsoft Office products, including Outlook, STAR, ARMPS, and other commercially available or agency designed and authorized versions.

Provides technical advice and consultation to the USNA web team on best practices, latest technologies, and other areas to develop and maintain a world-class web site. 

Duration of Assignment:  16 weeks – may be split into 2 terms of 8 weeks 

Start Date: January 28, 2008 (or as soon after as possible)

Funding arrangements:  Requestor pays salary.  A temporary promotion will be considered if candidate is eligible as determined by the Human Resources Division.  Position is full time.  No travel will be paid.

Employee Pool of Consideration:  Local REE-wide agencies

Application Deadline: Close of business, January 18, 2008.

Application Process:  Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with their supervisors.  If you are interested in this position, please submit a one-page summary of your skills and experience (Word file preferable).  Include your name and current grade, position, location, and telephone number.  Send the summary via e-mail to Heather Lee at heather.lee@ars.usda.gov by January 18, 2008.  If you have questions, visit the SET Web site at http://www.afm.ars.usda.gov/programs/SET/INDEX.HTM, or contact Heather Lee via e-mail or on 301-504-1039.

This is a non-competitive process for USDA REE employees only.