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Service Employees Team (SET) Detail Opportunity Notice

**Please distribute to all ARS employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area only**


*The deadline for applications is December 19, 2007.

Position Title / GS Level / Location:  Executive Assistant, GS-0318-7/8, ARS/OTT Beltsville, MD, GWCC

Duties of position:  This position serves as personal assistant to the Assistant Administrator (AA) and the Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA), coordinating a wide variety of administrative and clerical tasks essential to the program administration of the management unit.  This includes maintaining and scheduling the AA and DAA calendars, processing travel and time and attendance, audits, and lump sum forms for OTT Headquarters employees.

Duration of Assignment: 10 weeks             

Start Date:  January 7, 2008

Funding arrangements:  Requester pays salary.  A temporary promotion will be considered if candidate is eligible as determined by the Human Resources Division.  Position is full-time.  No travel will be paid.

Employee Pool of Consideration:  Local ARS-wide

Application Deadline: Close of business, December 19, 2007

Application Process:  Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with their supervisors.  If you are interested in this position, please submit a one-page summary of your skills and experience (Word file preferable).  Include your name and current grade, position, location, and telephone number.  Send the summary via e-mail to Heather Lee at heather.lee@ars.usda.gov by December 19, 2007.  If you have questions, visit the SET Web site at http://www.afm.ars.usda.gov/programs/SET/INDEX.HTM, or contact Heather Lee via e-mail or on 301-504-1039.

This is a non-competitive process for USDA REE employees only.