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Service Employees Team (SET) Detail Opportunity Notice

**Please distribute to all REE employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area only**


*The deadline for applications is October 29, 2007.

Position Title / GS Level / Location:  Project Staff Member, GS-11/12/13, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD

Duties of position:  Serves as a member of an integrated project team that is assessing NAL’s IT environment.  These duties include:

·        working with Mega Software Suite to develop NAL’s IT environment, including IT infrastructure diagrams, IT application decompositions, and other IT models (training will be provided if detailee does not have experience with the software);

·        linking business functions to the IT that supports them;

·        organizing and categorizing data on NAL’s IT environment;

·        analyzing various IT solutions for feasibility in NAL; and

·        assisting with administrative tasks including preparing and executing project plans, work break down structures, milestones, and deliverables.

Duration of Assignment:  16 weeks              

Start Date:  October 31, 2007 (or as soon after as possible)

Funding arrangements:  Requestor pays salary if requested.  Temporary promotion is not an option.  This is a full-time position.  No travel will be paid.

Employee Pool of Consideration:  Local REE-wide agencies.

Application Deadline:  Close of business, October 29, 2007

Application Process:  Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with their supervisors.  If you are interested in this position, please submit a one-page summary of your skills and experience (Word file preferable).  Include your name and current grade, position, location, and telephone number.  Send the summary via e-mail to Heather Lee at heather.lee@ars.usda.gov by October 29, 2007.  If you have questions, visit the SET Web site at http://www.afm.ars.usda.gov/programs/SET/INDEX.HTM, or contact Heather Lee via e-mail or on 301-504-1039.

This is a non-competitive process for USDA REE employees only.