Election 2008: What It Means for Safety

The outcome of the United States' presidential election has the potential to affect your family: your job, your health care and the economy. The election will also prompt changes in our nation's approach to occupational safety and health, regardless of the outcome. Read More

Key Issues in Distracted Driving

Presentations from the NSC's International Symposium on Distracted Driving are available online.

NSC Promotes Drug-Free Work Week

Most drug users are employed -- more than three-quarters of them, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) estimates. In 2006, 12.7 million (61.5 percent) of the 20.6 million adults classified with substance dependence or abuse were employed full-time, and 62.7 percent of the working age population (ages 18-64) diagnosed with a substance use disorder had full-time jobs. Read More

NSC Supports National Teen Driver Safety Week, Oct. 19-25

Passengers is the theme of National Teen Driver Safety Week, an observance held annually the third week of October to highlight the leading cause of death among U.S. teens -- motor vehicle crashes. Teen driving is a critical public health issue and the NSC is a leader in about the issue.
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NSC Adopts Teen Driving Policy

The National Safety Council (NSC) announced its support for Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws to save lives, especially of teen drivers. The policy encourages state and local use of a 5-part GDL model. Read More

NSC Offers Prescription for the Flu

In the United States, seasonal influenza causes 36,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations each year, and cost businesses upward of $10.4 billion in 2007. In small operations, flu can halt production altogether. Read More

NSC Distracted Driving Symposium Seeks Progressive Solutions

Together, we have the power to reduce the number of people killed by distracted driving on our nation's roadways. That's why NSC and Nationwide Insurance are holding the first International Symposium on Distracted Driving this week near Washington, D.C. Read More