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Bookmark this page for the latest status of the online Outlook project today, and the location of the online Outlook in the future.
January 25, 2005

The International Trade Administration is making progress on a Web version of the U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook.®

Click here for the latest Outlook news.
A "beta" edition will be posted for user review and testing.
Click here for information on the 2000 U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook, the last hardcopy edition published.

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While the e-Outlook is under development, you may find the following resources helpful:

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Progress Updates

The basic design of the Outlook has been finalized. The prototype boasts a straightforward and intuitive structure, a logo, and effective navigation tools. It's still being populated with industry data and reports, however, in various stages of editing, so it's not yet available to the public. Writers' guidelines have been posted on the International Trade Administration's intranet as a central reference and forum for Outlook contributors.

The Department of Commerce's renewed emphasis on manufacturing industries, and the reorganization of the former Trade Development unit into Manufacturing and Services, will bring a new focus and new resources to the U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook.

The Outlook databases now are built on NAICS 2002 listings. Click here for details on how NAICS 1997 and 2002 differ.

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The Beta Outlook

The Outlook will first appear online as a beta or test version. As currently projected, this will include basic trade and production statistics for nearly the entire catalog of industries organized under the North American Industry Classification System (click here for more information on NAICS), plus expanded content for an initial handful of industries.

Outlook customers and other interested parties who have volunteered to test the beta version will have a chance to use and critique it, and we will then proceed to develop the full-featured Outlook drawing on their input. If you would like to be on this notification/beta list, please

We hope to phase in additional batches of expanded information for groups of industries until the Web Outlook covers at least as many industry sectors as its print predecessor did (the published 2000 edition covered 54 major sectors). More industries or additional features will be added as inspiration, available resources, and user requests prompt.

Manufacturing and Service's Industry Offices are developing and refining content for the beta Outlook. Industries covered are likely to include the following:

Here are some of the topics that are likely to be covered for some sectors in the beta release:

Current Economic Indicators
Demographic Change
e-Business and e-Commerce
Economic and Geographic Concentrations
Economic Overview
Forecasts and Projections
Glossary of Industry Terms
Industry Shows and Trade Events
Preparing for the Future

Revenue Mechanisms
Small Business
State and Local Issues
Trade Policy
World Markets and Trends
World Trade Shares

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