Average retail food and energy prices, U.S. city average and South region

Average retail food and energy prices, U.S. city average and South region
Item and unit U.S. city average
South region (1)
Prices Percent change
Prices Percent change

Cereals and bakery products


Flour, white, all purpose, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.360 0.539 0.532 47.8 -1.3
Jump to page with historical data
0.376 0.540 0.526 39.9 -2.6

Rice, white, long grain, uncooked, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.546 0.854 0.853 56.2 -0.1
Jump to page with historical data

Spaghetti and macaroni, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.871 1.139 1.147 31.7 0.7
Jump to page with historical data
0.953 1.151 1.187 24.6 3.1

Bread, white, pan, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.212 1.381 1.379 13.8 -0.1
Jump to page with historical data
1.070 1.210 1.210 13.1 0.0

Bread, whole wheat, pan, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.701 1.950 1.951 14.7 0.1
Jump to page with historical data
  1.906 1.951   2.4

Cookies, chocolate chip, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.671 2.902 2.950 10.4 1.7
Jump to page with historical data
2.489 2.626 2.669 7.2 1.6

Meats, poultry, fish and eggs


Beef and veal


Ground chuck, 100% beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.744 2.964 2.981 8.6 0.6
Jump to page with historical data
2.909 3.058 2.971 2.1 -2.8

Ground beef, 100% beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.372 2.371 2.419 2.0 2.0
Jump to page with historical data

Ground beef, lean and extra lean, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.142 3.314 3.340 6.3 0.8
Jump to page with historical data
3.244 3.423 3.435 5.9 0.4

All uncooked ground beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.896 3.098 3.128 8.0 1.0
Jump to page with historical data
3.096 3.151 3.166 2.3 0.5

Chuck roast, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.383 3.594 3.715 9.8 3.4
Jump to page with historical data
3.460 3.859 3.872 11.9 0.3

Chuck roast, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.506 3.647 3.768 7.5 3.3
Jump to page with historical data
3.530 3.817 3.977 12.7 4.2

Round roast, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.802 4.206 4.119 8.3 -2.1
Jump to page with historical data
4.005 4.152 4.063 1.4 -2.1

Round roast, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.928 3.907 4.058 3.3 3.9
Jump to page with historical data
3.695 3.884 3.961 7.2 2.0

All Uncooked Beef Roasts, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.830 4.043 4.101 7.1 1.4
Jump to page with historical data
3.807 4.129 4.150 9.0 0.5

Steak, round, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
4.151 4.439 4.423 6.6 -0.4
Jump to page with historical data
4.210 4.694 4.530 7.6 -3.5

Steak, round, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
4.156 4.355 4.296 3.4 -1.4
Jump to page with historical data
4.138 4.326 4.321 4.4 -0.1

Steak, sirloin, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
5.559 5.882 5.734 3.1 -2.5
Jump to page with historical data
5.627 5.947 6.041 7.4 1.6

Steak, sirloin, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
6.131 6.399 6.213 1.3 -2.9
Jump to page with historical data
6.238 6.880 6.337 1.6 -7.9

Beef for stew, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.525 3.854 3.869 9.8 0.4
Jump to page with historical data
3.656 4.053 3.992 9.2 -1.5

All Uncooked Beef Steaks, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
5.341 5.589 5.528 3.5 -1.1
Jump to page with historical data
5.599 5.915 5.835 4.2 -1.4

All Uncooked Other Beef (Excluding Veal), per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.068 3.220 3.206 4.5 -0.4
Jump to page with historical data
3.112 3.265 3.197 2.7 -2.1



Bacon, sliced, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.784 3.842 3.725 -1.6 -3.0
Jump to page with historical data
3.931 3.490 3.423 -12.9 -1.9

Chops, center cut, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.311 3.485 3.567 7.7 2.4
Jump to page with historical data
3.446 3.661 3.755 9.0 2.6

Chops, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.601 3.908 3.921 8.9 0.3
Jump to page with historical data
3.450 3.676 3.819 10.7 3.9

All Pork Chops, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.151 3.383 3.434 9.0 1.5
Jump to page with historical data
3.144 3.388 3.480 10.7 2.7

Ham, rump or shank half, bone-in, smoked, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.897 1.976 2.009 5.9 1.7
Jump to page with historical data

Ham, boneless, excluding canned, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.158 3.209 3.276 3.7 2.1
Jump to page with historical data
3.126 3.724 3.777 20.8 1.4

All Ham (Excluding Canned Ham and Luncheon Slices), per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.352 2.369 2.412 2.6 1.8
Jump to page with historical data
2.232 2.249 2.298 3.0 2.2

All Other Pork (Excluding Canned Ham and Luncheon Slices), per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.980 2.224 2.255 13.9 1.4
Jump to page with historical data
1.844 2.009 2.078 12.7 3.4

Other meats


Bologna, all beef or mixed, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.485 2.634 2.923 17.6 11.0
Jump to page with historical data
2.361 2.501 2.777 17.6 11.0



Chicken, fresh, whole, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.142 1.223 1.214 6.3 -0.7
Jump to page with historical data
1.110 1.138 1.142 2.9 0.4

Chicken breast, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.253 2.321 2.304 2.3 -0.7
Jump to page with historical data

Chicken breast, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
3.528 3.445 3.359 -4.8 -2.5
Jump to page with historical data
3.375 3.711 3.422 1.4 -7.8

Chicken legs, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.356 1.435 1.481 9.2 3.2
Jump to page with historical data
1.367 1.469 1.517 11.0 3.3

Turkey, frozen, whole, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.216 1.288 1.320 8.6 2.5
Jump to page with historical data
1.196 1.228 1.233 3.1 0.4



Eggs, grade A, large, per doz.

Jump to page with historical data
1.825 1.854 1.978 8.4 6.7
Jump to page with historical data
1.752 1.774 1.932 10.3 8.9

Dairy products


Milk, fresh, whole, fortified, per gal. (3.8 lit)

Jump to page with historical data
3.841 3.886 3.773 -1.8 -2.9
Jump to page with historical data
4.197 4.247 4.092 -2.5 -3.6

Butter, salted, grade AA, stick, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
Jump to page with historical data

American processed cheese, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
4.051 4.188 4.089 0.9 -2.4
Jump to page with historical data

Cheddar cheese, natural, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
4.479 4.827 4.815 7.5 -0.2
Jump to page with historical data
4.645 4.932 4.856 4.5 -1.5

Ice cream, prepackaged, bulk, regular, per 1/2 gal. (1.9 lit)

Jump to page with historical data
3.897 4.249 4.418 13.4 4.0
Jump to page with historical data
4.151 4.464 4.502 8.5 0.9

Fruits and vegetables


Fresh fruits and vegetables


Apples, Red Delicious, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.178 1.580 1.584 34.5 0.3
Jump to page with historical data
1.278 1.619 1.598 25.0 -1.3

Bananas, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.505 0.634 0.631 25.0 -0.5
Jump to page with historical data
0.466 0.610 0.621 33.3 1.8

Oranges, Navel, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.503 1.452 1.471 -2.1 1.3
Jump to page with historical data
  1.571 1.672   6.4

Oranges, Valencia, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.066 1.021 1.054 -1.1 3.2
Jump to page with historical data
1.128   1.108 -1.8  

Cherries, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
Jump to page with historical data

Grapefruit, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.032 1.076 1.103 6.9 2.5
Jump to page with historical data
1.043 1.141 1.151 10.4 0.9

Grapes, Thompson Seedless, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.612 1.800 1.707 5.9 -5.2
Jump to page with historical data
1.515 1.859 1.735 14.5 -6.7

Lemons, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.819 2.184 2.179 19.8 -0.2
Jump to page with historical data
1.812 2.274 2.070 14.2 -9.0

Peaches, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.450 1.476 1.487 2.6 0.7
Jump to page with historical data
1.455 1.386 1.396 -4.1 0.7

Pears, Anjou, per lb. (453.6 gm)

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Jump to page with historical data

Strawberries, dry pint, per 12 oz. (340.2 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
2.004 2.085 2.177 8.6 4.4
Jump to page with historical data
2.042 2.019 2.183 6.9 8.1

Potatoes, white, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.520 0.724 0.763 46.7 5.4
Jump to page with historical data
0.590 0.841 0.859 45.6 2.1

Lettuce, iceberg, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.927 0.878 0.906 -2.3 3.2
Jump to page with historical data
0.955 0.848 0.933 -2.3 10.0

Lettuce, romaine, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.494 1.748 1.884 26.1 7.8
Jump to page with historical data
1.486 1.692 1.718 15.6 1.5

Tomatoes, field grown, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.496 1.694 1.591 6.4 -6.1
Jump to page with historical data
1.396 1.711 1.719 23.1 0.5

Broccoli, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.536 1.601 1.583 3.1 -1.1
Jump to page with historical data
1.359 1.688 1.495 10.0 -11.4

Cabbage, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.568 0.658 0.674 18.7 2.4
Jump to page with historical data
0.551 0.674 0.687 24.7 1.9

Carrots, short trimmed and topped, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.782 0.797 0.794 1.5 -0.4
Jump to page with historical data

Celery, per lb. (453.6 gm)

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Jump to page with historical data

Peppers, sweet, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.887 2.202 2.055 8.9 -6.7
Jump to page with historical data

Processed fruits and vegetables


Orange juice, frozen concentrate, 12 oz. can, per 16 oz. (473.2 ml)

Jump to page with historical data
2.590 2.522 2.544 -1.8 0.9
Jump to page with historical data

Beans, dried, any type, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.988 1.251 1.284 30.0 2.6
Jump to page with historical data
1.015 1.224 1.256 23.7 2.6

Other foods at home


Sugar and sweets


Sugar, white, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.518 0.535 0.563 8.7 5.2
Jump to page with historical data
0.486 0.516 0.540 11.1 4.7

Sugar, white, 33-80 oz. pkg, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
0.498 0.495 0.535 7.4 8.1
Jump to page with historical data

Fats and oils


Margarine, stick, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.054 1.238 1.248 18.4 0.8
Jump to page with historical data
  1.109 1.086   -2.1

Margarine, soft, tubs, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.204 1.441 1.507 25.2 4.6
Jump to page with historical data
0.911 1.288 1.304 43.1 1.2

Peanut butter, creamy, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
1.829 2.049 2.085 14.0 1.8
Jump to page with historical data

Nonalcoholic beverages


Cola, nondiet, per 2 liters (67.6 oz) (2)

Jump to page with historical data
1.233 1.325 1.373 11.4 3.6
Jump to page with historical data

Coffee, 100%, ground roast, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)

Jump to page with historical data
Jump to page with historical data

Other prepared foods


Potato chips, per 16 oz.

Jump to page with historical data
3.558 4.120 4.123 15.9 0.1
Jump to page with historical data
3.565 4.199 4.015 12.6 -4.4

Alcoholic beverages at home


Malt beverages, all types, all sizes, any origin, per 16 oz. (473.2 ml)

Jump to page with historical data
1.139 1.150 1.189 4.4 3.4
Jump to page with historical data
1.143 1.120 1.224 7.1 9.3

Wine, red and white table, all sizes, any origin, per 1 liter (33.8 oz)

Jump to page with historical data
7.399 10.817 8.691 17.5 -19.7
Jump to page with historical data
7.328 8.444 8.631 17.8 2.2

Energy (residential)


Fuel oil #2 per gallon (3.785 liters)

Jump to page with historical data
2.706 4.217 3.952 46.0 -6.3
Jump to page with historical data
2.573 4.308 4.012 55.9 -6.9

Utility (piped) gas per therm

Jump to page with historical data
1.207 1.596 1.448 20.0 -9.3
Jump to page with historical data
1.274 1.703 1.549 21.6 -9.0

Electricity per KWH

Jump to page with historical data
0.121 0.132 0.130 7.4 -1.5
Jump to page with historical data
0.111 0.122 0.122 9.9 0.0

Gasoline, all types, per gallon/3.785 liters (3)

Jump to page with historical data
2.839 3.838 3.749 32.1 -2.3
Jump to page with historical data
2.754 3.712 3.742 35.9 0.8

Gasoline, unleaded regular, per gallon/3.785 liters

Jump to page with historical data
2.789 3.786 3.698 32.6 -2.3
Jump to page with historical data
2.700 3.657 3.690 36.7 0.9

Gasoline, unleaded midgrade, per gallon/3.785 liters

Jump to page with historical data
2.907 3.901 3.816 31.3 -2.2
Jump to page with historical data
2.827 3.793 3.818 35.1 0.7

Gasoline, unleaded premium, per gallon/3.785 liters

Jump to page with historical data
3.021 4.045 3.940 30.4 -2.6
Jump to page with historical data
2.933 3.917 3.936 34.2 0.5

Automotive diesel fuel, per gallon/3.785 liters

Jump to page with historical data
2.994 4.470 4.177 39.5 -6.6
Jump to page with historical data
2.913 4.438 4.143 42.2 -6.6

(1) South region: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
(2) Deposit may be included in price.
(3) Also includes types of gasoline not shown separately.

Note: Index applies to a month as a whole, not to any specific date.


Last Modified Date: October 16, 2008