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TI News: An information service from Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI)

June 01, 2006

Marketing Opportunities In Japan:

“You’ve Seen the Films, Now Visit the Set”

Some exciting marketing opportunities are available in Japan with the U.S. Department of Commerce upcoming themed campaign “You’ve seen the films, now visit the set.” 
The U.S. Department of Commerce is working with the Travel Industry Association (TIA) as its partner to execute the online marketing piece of the campaign. 

For $5,000 you can buy into the $3.5 million dollar campaign where every component will have as the call to action. Here’s your opportunity to participate:
A $5,000 investment will buy a “featured destination” spot or a “featured special” home page ad rotation for 6 months (June 15-December 15, 2006). During this time the following campaign activities will take place:

  • June/July - High visibility promotions with two renowned retail companies in Japan reaching millions of consumers through the Department of Commerce’s in-store and online promotion.
  • July - TV and billboard advertisements featuring the Department of Commerce “You’ve seen the films, now visit the set” themed campaign
  • September/October – online media campaign, to include a U.S. movie trivia game highlighting destinations with a sweepstakes, email marketing and online advertising

Your ad will rotate on a continuous basis, so each time the site is refreshed a new “featured destination” and “featured special” will be present on the homepage.

For an example of how the ad rotation will work, please visit

In addition, a new website will be re-launched on June 15 to support the U.S. Department of Commerce campaign, and the traffic generated by the promotion is sure to give you great exposure for a very small investment. 
The specs for the graphics and copy are as follows:

Graphic:  223px wide and 96px high
Copy:       Max 130 characters for copy including spaces

*For an additional $500, TIA will translate and graphically execute your copy in Japanese. 
In order to participate, please forward graphics and copy to Lisa Lanna,, 202-408-2169.

To learn more about the Japanese market to the USA, visit the OTTI Japan website page at:
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
14th & Constitution Avenue NW, Room 1003
Washington, D.C. 20230
Phone:(202) 482-0140
Fax: (202) 482-2887

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