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=== TINEWS ===================================

TI News: An information service from Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI)


Year-End 2005 Bookings & First Half 2006 Projections

Office of Travel and Tourism Industries released the results of the UK, German, and Mexican Travel Barometer for year-end 2005 bookings and projected bookings for the first half of 2006.

The subscription-based program provides the earliest indicator of year-end bookings for U.S. destinations.   The Barometer accurately reported the growth in bookings from the UK, German, and Mexican markets throughout the year.

The report serves as a primary forecast for 2006 bookings from the UK, Germany, and Mexico to the U.S. and for select U.S. destinations and businesses.

The report identifies barriers to travel and competitive bookings to other long-haul destinations for each country.  It is a key resource in helping to understand the impact of new entry and exit requirements, terrorism, and the promotion program (for the UK market).

“In May 2005 the Barometer accurately projected what no other source had for the UK market – that bookings to the U.S. were not going to meet other more optimistic projections.  More importantly, the Barometer identified key reasons why bookings were sluggish,” said Helen Marano, Director for the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries.

The U.S. Department of Commerce uses the UK Travel Barometer as a tool to monitor the effectiveness of the promotional efforts in the United Kingdom in regards to the British travel trade.

U.S. destinations, marketing organizations, and businesses utilize the Barometer to monitor the UK, German, and Mexican markets throughout the year. 

The latest data also reports on the impact of the 2005 hurricanes.  It highlights the impact to the U.S. from the UK, Germany, and Mexico.  Additionally, the reports highlight the impact of bookings to the destinations hardest hit by the 2005 hurricanes in the United States.  This data will be released in a separate report.

Subscription Options:
The Barometer program offers U.S. destinations and businesses several subscription options.
Core Subscription: $400
Destinations Subscription: $2,500
Customized Subscription: $4,999
Sponsor Subscription: $10,000

To access your destination’s report or to add your destination to the program, please contact Mr. Scott C. Johnson, Program Administrator, by calling 1-518-963-4126 or by e-mailing him at

To learn more about the U.S. Office of Travel and Tourism Industries’ Barometer Program:

U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
14th & Constitution Avenue NW, Room 1003
Washington, D.C. 20230
Phone:(202) 482-0140
Fax: (202) 482-2887

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