Table 5. Outcomes of Counseling and One-Time Screening for HIV Infection After 3 Years in 10,000 Asymptomatic Adolescents and Adults

Results Prevalence, 0.3% Prevalence, 1% Prevalence, 5%-15% (High Risk)
Persons screened, n 10,000 10,000 10,000
Persons identified as HIV-positive, n 30 100 500-1500
Patients receiving test results, n 24-28 79-93 400-1400
Partners identified as HIV-positive, n 2-6 6-21 32-320
Total HIV-positive patients identified, n 26-34 85-114 426-1720
Patients with CD4 cell count < 0.200 × 109 cells/L, n 3-15 10-49 51-740
Cases of clinical progression or deaths prevented over 3 y with HAART, n 0.7-8.2 2-28 12-410
NNSB to prevent 1 clinical progression or death over 3 y 1210-13,800 360-4140 24-830
NNTB with HAART to prevent 1 clinical progression or death over 3 y 1.8 (95% CI, 1.5-2.2) 1.8 (95% CI, 1.5-2.2) 1.8 (95% CI, 1.5-2.2)
NNCB, NNSB, or NNTB to prevent 1 horizontal transmission over 3 y Unable to calculate Unable to calculate Unable to calculate
Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events caused by HAART over 3 y, n 0.006-0.6 0.02-2 0.1-30
NNSH to cause 1 cardiovascular or cerebrovascular event over 3 y 16,900-1,580,500 5100-474 400 340-95 000
NNTH with HAART to cause 1 cardiovascular or cerebrovascular event over 3 y 69 (95% CI, 21-257) 69 (95% CI, 21-257) 69 (95% CI, 21-257)

aNotes: NNCB = number needed to counsel for benefit; NNSB = number needed to screen for benefit; NNSH = number needed to screen for harm; NNTB = number needed to treat for benefit; NNTH = number needed to screen for harm.

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