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IDEA Image TRB's IDEA Programs
Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis
Red Line

IDEA programs fund research into promising but unproven innovations for highways, transportation safety, and transit. Investigators may submit proposals in March or September of each year to be considered for funding. The annual Program Announcement provides information about the programs and includes instructions and forms for submitting proposals. Annual progress reports that describe current and completed projects are published for each program. The programs are described below.

Proposals are due September 30 for the Transit IDEA program and September 1 for the NCHRP Highway IDEA program. Proposals are due March 1 for the Safety IDEA program.

NCHRP Highway IDEA projects foster innovative concepts for highway design and construction, materials, operations, maintenance, and other areas of highway systems.

Transit IDEA projects are selected for their potential to enhance security, increase ridership, and improve efficiency for transit agencies.

Safety IDEA projects promote innovative approaches to reducing fatalities and injuries by improving motor carrier safety and railroad safety.

Notice to Investigators
May 31, 2007

The High-Speed Rail IDEA Program is currently not accepting new proposals. Discussions with the Federal Railroad Administration are underway regarding the establishment of a new Rail IDEA Program designed to foster innovations in railroad technology, both passenger and freight. If agreement is reached on such a new program and funding becomes available, TRB will provide information, including focus areas for proposals, on this Web site. Please direct questions about the program to Chuck Taylor at Descriptions of completed and current projects are available.

The IDEA Program newsletter is called Ignition because these programs spark innovation in transportation. Each issue highlights promising IDEA projects.

Top 3 Things Selection Committees Look For in Proposals

  1. Innovation: Emphasize the innovation. What problem does your project address? How is your solution better than current practice?
  2. Benefits: Describe the expected benefits. Why is this project worth investing in?
  3. Science: Be sure the research approach is sound and credible.


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