Table 1. Employment status of the foreign-born and native-born populations by selected characteristics, 2006-07 annual averages

  Table 1.  Employment status of the foreign-born and native-born populations by selected characteristics, 2006-07 annual averages
  (Numbers in thousands)
                                                            2006                                                 2007                        
                                                         Civilian labor force                                 Civilian labor force           
           Characteristic            Civilian                                             Civilian                                           
                                     noninsti-                              Unemployed    noninsti-                              Unemployed  
                                     tutional          Partici-                           tutional         Partici-                          
                                      popula-   Total   pation  Employed                   popula-  Total   pation  Employed                 
                                       tion              rate                       Unem-   tion             rate                       Unem-
                                                                          Number    ploy-                                      Number   ploy-
                                                                                    ment                                                ment 
      Total, 16 years and over.....   228,815 151,428    66.2   144,427    7,001     4.6   231,867 153,124    66.0   146,047    7,078     4.6
    Men............................   110,605  81,255    73.5    77,502    3,753     4.6   112,173  82,136    73.2    78,254    3,882     4.7
    Women..........................   118,210  70,173    59.4    66,925    3,247     4.6   119,694  70,988    59.3    67,792    3,196     4.5
            FOREIGN BORN                                                                                                                     
      Total, 16 years and over.....    33,733  23,148    68.6    22,225      923     4.0    35,017  23,994    68.5    22,967    1,027     4.3
    Men............................    16,989  13,885    81.7    13,395      491     3.5    17,670  14,470    81.9    13,883      588     4.1
    Women..........................    16,743   9,263    55.3     8,831      432     4.7    17,347   9,524    54.9     9,085      439     4.6
    16 to 24 years...................   4,156   2,501    60.2     2,318      183     7.3     4,205   2,454    58.4     2,266      188     7.7
    25 to 34 years...................   7,997   6,267    78.4     6,027      240     3.8     8,243   6,421    77.9     6,147      274     4.3
    35 to 44 years...................   8,022   6,552    81.7     6,325      227     3.5     8,322   6,782    81.5     6,546      236     3.5
    45 to 54 years...................   5,896   4,740    80.4     4,575      165     3.5     6,278   5,126    81.7     4,930      196     3.8
    55 to 64 years...................   3,707   2,428    65.5     2,340       87     3.6     3,850   2,531    65.7     2,424      107     4.2
    65 years and over................   3,955     660    16.7       640       20     3.1     4,119     680    16.5       655       25     3.7
          Race and Hispanic                                                                                                                  
       or Latino ethnicity (1)                                                                                                               
    White non-Hispanic or Latino.....   7,329   4,503    61.4     4,344      159     3.5     7,492   4,599    61.4     4,428      171     3.7
    Black non-Hispanic or Latino.....   2,450   1,807    73.7     1,708       99     5.5     2,610   1,901    72.8     1,795      106     5.6
    Asian non-Hispanic or Latino.....   7,481   5,060    67.6     4,917      142     2.8     7,762   5,264    67.8     5,106      158     3.0
    Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.....  16,156  11,549    71.5    11,034      514     4.5    16,817  11,987    71.3    11,405      582     4.9
       Educational attainment                                                                                                                
      Total, 25 years and over.......  29,576  20,647    69.8    19,908      739     3.6    30,812  21,540    69.9    20,701      839     3.9
    Less than a high school                                                                                                                  
     diploma.........................   9,361   5,865    62.7     5,566      299     5.1     9,456   5,893    62.3     5,585      308     5.2
    High school graduates, no                                                                                                                
     college (2).....................   7,358   5,032    68.4     4,855      177     3.5     7,863   5,400    68.7     5,188      212     3.9
    Some college or associate                                                                                                                
     degree..........................   4,511   3,346    74.2     3,232      114     3.4     4,780   3,538    74.0     3,387      151     4.3
    Bachelor's degree and higher (3).   8,347   6,405    76.7     6,255      149     2.3     8,713   6,709    77.0     6,541      168     2.5
             NATIVE BORN                                                                                                                     
      Total, 16 years and over....... 195,082 128,280    65.8   122,202    6,078     4.7   196,850 129,130    65.6   123,079    6,051     4.7
    Men..............................  93,615  67,370    72.0    64,107    3,263     4.8    94,503  67,666    71.6    64,372    3,294     4.9
    Women............................ 101,467  60,910    60.0    58,095    2,815     4.6   102,347  61,464    60.1    58,707    2,757     4.5
    16 to 24 years...................  32,787  19,893    60.7    17,723    2,170    10.9    33,204  19,763    59.5    17,608    2,155    10.9
    25 to 34 years...................  31,233  26,305    84.2    25,024    1,282     4.9    31,509  26,708    84.8    25,439    1,270     4.8
    35 to 44 years...................  34,731  29,296    84.3    28,244    1,051     3.6    34,079  28,745    84.3    27,756      989     3.4
    45 to 54 years...................  37,005  30,405    82.2    29,477      928     3.1    37,266  30,571    82.0    29,633      938     3.1
    55 to 64 years...................  27,668  17,557    63.5    17,049      508     2.9    28,683  18,219    63.5    17,684      535     2.9
    65 years and over................  31,658   4,824    15.2     4,685      139     2.9    32,109   5,124    16.0     4,959      165     3.2
          Race and Hispanic                                                                                                                  
       or Latino ethnicity (1)                                                                                                               
    White non-Hispanic or Latino..... 150,979 100,126    66.3    96,262    3,864     3.9   151,596 100,279    66.1    96,411    3,868     3.9
    Black non-Hispanic or Latino.....  23,668  14,905    63.0    13,500    1,405     9.4    23,921  14,961    62.5    13,671    1,290     8.6
    Asian non-Hispanic or Latino.....   2,522   1,552    61.5     1,493       59     3.8     2,708   1,683    62.2     1,620       63     3.7
    Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.....  13,947   9,145    65.6     8,578      567     6.2    14,566   9,615    66.0     8,977      638     6.6
       Educational attainment                                                                                                                
      Total, 25 years and over....... 162,295 108,387    66.8   104,479    3,908     3.6   163,645 109,367    66.8   105,471    3,896     3.6
    Less than a high school                                                                                                                  
     diploma.........................  18,181   6,893    37.9     6,326      567     8.2    17,177   6,514    37.9     5,936      578     8.9
    High school graduates, no                                                                                                                
     college (2).....................  53,390  33,322    62.4    31,847    1,475     4.4    53,510  33,139    61.9    31,670    1,470     4.4
    Some college or associate                                                                                                                
     degree..........................  44,500  32,064    72.1    30,911    1,152     3.6    45,051  32,349    71.8    31,225    1,124     3.5
    Bachelor's degree and higher (3).  46,224  36,108    78.1    35,394      714     2.0    47,908  37,365    78.0    36,640      725     1.9
     1 Data for race/ethnicity groups do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races.
     2 Includes persons with a high school diploma or equivalent.
     3 Includes persons with bachelor's, master's, professional, and doctoral degrees.
     NOTE:  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.  See the Technical Note for further

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Last Modified Date: March 26, 2008