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VisiData Online Help
     For the National Park Service Road Inventory Program

For VisiData version 2.9.8

Note: This table is the most up-to-date list of the errors that FHWA has encountered. If you encounter an error that is not mentioned here or in the Frequently Asked Questions section, please e-mail the Road Inventory Program VisiData Group with questions or additions to the list.

Unfortunately, the VisiData 2.9.8 software interface displays many menu items, buttons, and checkboxes that are not functional for the NPS or FHWA user (including anything relating to DRate, WiseCrax, *.810 files, or *.1S0 files).
Problem Produce the error Expected behavior Actual behavior Solution / workaround Reason for error
VisiData open error After installing VisiData, open VisiData. VisiData should open. VisiData opens, but after some installations, an error message appears saying that a data error or floating point error has occurred. Try re-installing VisiData. Otherwise, just close the dialog box and ignore the error. Unknown
VisiData open error After installing VisiData and before setting the default database, open VisiData. VisiData should open. VisiData opens, but after some installations, an error message appears saying that the default database file path is not a valid file name. From the main menu, select Tools >Options… and type the file path to the default database (probably C:\Program Files \Roadware \Visidata\Files\ default.mdb) into the Default Database text box. Unknown
Reset video settings window checkboxes Open a workspace whose video paths are not set or which do not access all of the video. Checking or unchecking the four checkboxes in the Reset video settings window should affect the prompting of the video paths. Checking or unchecking the checkboxes does not seem to affect how frequently a user is prompted for the video paths. -- Unknown
Transverse Profile graph From the main menu, select Window >Transverse Profile…. The Transverse Profile window should display the transverse profile of the roadway. he Transverse Profile window displays a blank graph. -- Functionality not enabled for version 2.9.8.
Map From the main menu, select Window > Map…. The user should have the option to create a new map. Nothing happens. -- Functionality not enabled for version 2.9.8.
Workspace builder window Segment tables Properties… button From the main menu, select Tools >Workspace builder…, then in the Segment tables section, click the Properties… button. The Segment Table Properties window should display. Sometimes, nothing happens. -- Unknown
Options window Step Size function From the main menu, select Tools > Options…. In the Options window, in the Step Size text box, type a step size other than 2 mmi. When the video is played, it should skip frames so that the video images displayed are the specified step size apart from one another. Sometimes, the video plays with the requested distance interval between images. Other times, it ends up “off”, or plays the video at an interval that is not the step size that was specified. Skip frames using the Skip scrollbar. If the video is playing according to a step size that was previously entered, but is not the current desired step size, re-start VisiData to revert to the 2 mmi default. Unknown
Options window Offset function From the main menu, select Tools > Options…. In the Options window, in the Offset text box, type an offset other than 0. When pavement video and forward-facing video are played together, the forward-facing video should display before the corresponding pavement image, according to the distance set in the Offset text box. Setting the offset value to a number other than 0 sometimes causes the forward-facing video to display at awkward intervals. -- Unknown
Options window Browse… button From the main menu, select Tools > Options…. In the Options window, in the Default Database section, click the Browse… button. The Open window should open. Sometimes, this functions properly.Sometimes, nothing happens. Type the file path to the default database you wish to specify into the Default Database text box. Unknown
Import Workspaces error From the main menu, select ToolsImport Workspaces…, then browse to open another .mdb file. The user should have the option to import workspaces within the .mdb. An error message displays. The simplest workaround is to recreate the workspace within your database.  See the creating a custom workspace topic in the FHWA VisiData Tutorial. Unknown
Import Workspaces error From the main menu, select ToolsImport Workspaces…, then click the Cancel button. The Import Workspaces window should close. The Import Workspaces window closes, but all chart, grid, and camera windows in your workspace will disappear, even if you open another workspace and then re-open the first. Don’t save the workspace.  Re-start VisiData. Unknown
Grid and chart window numbering Open a workspace whose video paths have not been set.  In the Reset video settings window(s), click the Cancel button, but then re-open the Changing video-paths for the workspace window and set the video paths. The grid and chart windows should be numbered starting with 0. The windows will appear with a different sequence of numbers that starts with the next highest available number of grid or chart window (i.e., 2 and 3 instead of the expected 0 and 1). Open a different workspace and then re-open the original workspace.  If that does not work, re-start VisiData. Unknown
Camera window Prompt button In a Camera window, click the Prompt menu item. The Reset Video Settings window should open. Nothing happens.  To learn other ways to open the Reset Video Settings window, see the setting the video paths topic in the FHWA VisiData Tutoria. Unknown 
Copy pavement video to Clipboard In a Camera 4 (pavement video) window, from the Camera menu, select FileCopy to clipboard.  Paste the image in a separate document. The video image should copy as it appears in the Camera window.  A vertical strip from the left side of the pavement video image appears on the right side of the image that is copied to the Clipboard. From the Camera menu, select FileSave.  Save the image as a .jpg.  Open this image, copy it to the Clipboard, then paste the image into your document. Unknown 
Editing window Help… button In a Chart window, from the Chart menu, select EditEditor.  Click the Help… button. A Help window should open. Nothing happens. -- Unknown

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