USGS Western Ecological Research Center

Terrestrial and Amphibious Monitoring Plan for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program

Disclaimer: Readers should be aware that the report "Terrestrial and Amphibious Monitoring Plan for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program" does not contain a final monitoring plan for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program. The report documents the work completed at the time of printing on the development of a monitoring program and organizes material into a format that should facilitate further work, review, and refinement. The report recommends a monitoring framework, assembles materials into simplistic draft conceptual models, identifies monitoring elements and existing monitoring programs, and suggests high priority monitoring needs. Although some materials in the report have gone through a workshop review process, other materials have not. Additional review, refinement, and prioritization are needed and specific protocols identified before a final program can be reached.

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Last update: 10 March 2003