Thematic maps show geographic patterns in statistical data, such as population or median income, displayed as color-coded areas on a map.
Popular maps showing data for the United States by state are listed below. More thematic maps can be found under the People, Housing, and Business and Government links on the left.
For all Thematic Maps available in American FactFinder, including maps displaying data for smaller geographic areas (counties, census tracts, etc.), see the list of Data Sets with Thematic Maps.
Percent of People who are Foreign Born: 2006
Population 65 Years and Over: 2006
Percent of Population who have Completed High School: 2006
Percent of People below Poverty Level: 2006
Percent Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 2006
Median Housing Costs with Owners for Mortgage: 2006
Median Housing Costs for Renters: 2006
Health Care and Social Assistance
2006 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
2006 |
Health Care and Social Assistance
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Retail Trade
For help with using Thematic Maps, see the Creating and Using Maps Tutorial.