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Blogger Chance said...

While the Think Progress blog may be off base, its two claims (regardless of merits) are not mutually exclusive. You could certainly have too many political appointees AND have career employees promoted based on politics. This may or may not be the case, but their argument is not contradictory on its face, as you seem to suggest.

January 22, 2008 9:01 AM

Blogger Toby said...

Mr. Schneider,

You are correct in your title. You are going to be criticized no matter what you do. This is because there are an awful lot of Americans who pay your salary and simply do not agree with the very existence of such a department in the federal government.

If I am being charged for bananas at the grocery story, but I don't like bananas and don't want any in my basket, it does little to improve my attitude if the grocer pontificates on the quality of said bananas.

Ergo, you are bananas if you think patriotic Americans won't continue to complain about anything you do.

By the way, did you take an oath to support, uphold, and defend the Constitution? Just a thought.

February 2, 2008 1:55 PM