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For Immediate Release: September 14, 2006
Contact: Matt Englehart/Jennifer Scoggins  (202) 482-3809


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Franklin L. Lavin today announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce’s November business development mission to India will be the largest ever led by the federal government. The International Trade Administration (ITA) has accepted the applications of 54 companies for participation in the November mission.

“India’s economy is booming. The time is right for U.S. companies to visit and start to figure out how they can fit into the picture,” said Lavin. “It should be no surprise that this is an unprecedented trade mission because India at the moment is undergoing unprecedented growth.”

The mission stems from a commitment by President George W. Bush to elevate the Commercial Dialogue during his March 2006 visit to India. With approval from Indian Secretary of Commerce S.N. Menon, Lavin invited U.S. companies from a wide range of sectors to participate in the mission.

The small to medium-sized companies that have submitted applications represent a wide cross section of U.S. businesses geographically as well as span all sectors of business, including: plastic mold manufacturers, medical equipment manufacturers, food and beverage providers, and insurance companies.

India is one of the few countries in the world with which the United States shares sub-cabinet commercial dialogue. The United States also has sub-cabinet level commercial dialogues with Brazil, China, the EU, and NAFTA partners Canada and Mexico.

The International Trade Administration is responsible for developing U.S. trade policy, identifying and resolving market access issues, administering U.S. trade laws, enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing and services sectors, and coordinating U.S. trade advocacy efforts on behalf of U.S. businesses.

Businesses and individuals interested in participating in the India Business Development Mission can register at or call 1-800-USA-TRADE ext. 21. U.S. businesses interested in participating in the India Business Development Mission have until Oct. 2 to submit an application.