BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


FESP Guidelines

Featured Export Service Provider Application Form

If you provide any product or service that may be of use to U.S. exporters, we want to hear from you. For an incredibly low price, we will put your information on our website - complete with email, URL, and company logo. Take a moment to talk to us and increase your visibility in the Montana exporting community!


Gold Program

$3,000 Annual Subscription

  • Exclusive Ad Space on the Commercial Service Montana Home Page
  • Preferred partner for sponsorships for CS Montana events
  • Complete Contact Information and Corporate Profile in the BSP Directory

Silver Program

$1,500 Annual Subscription

  • Revolving Ad Space on the Commercial Service Montana Home Page
  • Complete Contact Information and Corporate Profile in the BSP Directory

Bronze Program

$250 Annual Subscription

  • Complete Contact Information and Corporate Profile in the BSP Directory

Just complete the application form below and we will contact you! For more information, contact Bob Deane at (406) 542-6656 or .

Fields marked with * are required.

Contact and Company Information

Featured Export Service Provider Listing

Please enter your company's point of contact information and company description in the following fields as you would like the information posted on our on-line Featured Export Service Provider directory(s).

If different than the address provided above.

Limit 200 words

Limit 500 words

Additional Featured Export Service Provider Listings

In addition to the $250 basic listing in the Montana USEAC directory, you may also choose to list your company in additional directories in the Pacific Northwest for $75 per listing.

Submission of business or personal information is voluntary. Please be aware of our Privacy Policy.