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Anonymous arclight said...

As a citizen, I have reviewed the test. I'm not complaining, but I'd like to suggest some additions if possible.

(1) Add a section on the responsibilities of citizenship (developing that would be a significant challenge; however, I can't think of anything that wouldn't provide greater value over time. It would also become the source of a good deal of soul-searching on the part of those of us who are already citizens).

(2) Add a few questions on banking and money. If people are going to function as citizens in this society, they should know the denominations of money and how to make change, and they should know something about banking, loans, and interest (the recent housing debacle shows that pretty well). Finally, they should know something (1 or 2 questions) on the stock market, since it's so important to us here.

(3) Add some questions dealing with how to view news and advertizements through a critical eye.

(4) Add some questions dealing with basic life safety (e.g. what number do you call if you are in trouble (911)), some standard safety signs (e.g. stop sign, DANGER sign, POISON sign, etc.) and actions (e.g. traffic runs on the right side of the road here, etc.).

(5) Add some questions dealing with the law and the police (e.g. how should you view the police? If they tell you to do something, what should you do? Are there things they CANNOT tell you to do? What is a lawyer, and what is his role? What is a judge, and what is his role? What is a jury, and what is his role? If you are called to be on a jury, what are your responsibilities?).

(6) Add some basic math problems (e.g. can they balance a checkbook?)

By the time these folks get to this point, they should already know these things, but it's necessary to check.

You might also observe that these same questions need to be dealt with in the standard American school curriculum. I'd heartily agree, PARTICULARLY the areas pertaining to the responsibilities of citizenship.

Thanks for letting me review this and comment on it.

October 16, 2008 6:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the brilliant suggestion of archlite the proposal will produce more confident and patriotic citizens fully conversant with the basics of democratic culture of USA. The proposed quiz will not harden the test any way.

October 23, 2008 5:41 PM