Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee Charter

The Committee's Official Designation:
Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee

The Committee's Objectives and the Scope of its Activity:
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App. II, the Secretary of Labor hereby reestablishes the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee. The Committee shall present advice and make recommendations to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of the Census (the Agencies), drawing on the special expertise of those disciplines within the academic community that are most relevant to the technical matters which the Committee will address. The Committee shall examine the Agencies' programs and provide advice on statistical methodology, research needed, and other technical matters related to the collection, tabulation, and analysis of Federal economic statistics.

The Period of Time Necessary for the Committee to Carry Out Its Purposes:
The Committee has continuing responsibilities.

The Agency or Official to Whom the Committee Reports:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor; and the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce.

The Agency Responsible for Providing Financial Support for the Committee:
The responsibility for providing Committee funding is shared equally among the Agencies. The Committee is administratively housed at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor.

A Description of the Duties for Which the Committee is Responsible:
The Committee functions solely as an advisory body to the Agencies, on topics selected by the Agencies in consultation with the Committee chairperson. Important aspects of the Committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  1. Recommending research to address important technical problems arising in Federal economic statistics.
  2. Identifying areas in which better coordination of the Agencies' activities would be beneficial.
  3. Establishing working relationships with professional associations with an interest in Federal economic statistics, such as the American Statistical Association and the American Economic Association.
  4. Coordinating, in its identification of agenda items, with other existing academic advisory committees chartered to provide agency-specific advice, for the purpose of avoiding duplication of effort.

Membership and Organization:
The Committee consists of approximately 14 members who serve as Special Government Employee. Members are nominated by consensus agreement of the Agencies and are appointed by the Secretary of Labor. Committee members are economists, statisticians, and behavioral scientists. They are prominent experts in their fields, and recognized for their professional achievements and objectivity. Members are not compensated, but their travel expenses for committee meetings are paid by the Agencies.

Members serve three-year terms, and may be reappointed to any number of additional terms. 

The Agencies, by consensus agreement, appoint the chairperson annually. Chairpersons are permitted to succeed themselves.

The Estimated Annual Operating Costs in Dollars and Staff-Years for Such Committee:
The estimated annual cost of operating the Committee is approximately $120,000.
This cost includes:

  1. Half of the Compensation and Benefits costs of one employee; and
  2. Travel expenses for members, equipment, supplies, contractual, and indirect costs for committee meetings.

The Estimated Number and Frequency of Committee Meetings:
The Committee normally meets twice annually. Special meetings may be called when appropriate.

The Committee's Termination Date:
Two years from the date of charter filing.

The Date the Charter is Filed:
This charter is filed on the date indicated below.


Elaine L. Chao                                 
Secretary of Labor

September 15, 2008                                  


Last Modified Date: October 16, 2008