U.S. Census Bureau

Generalized 108th Congressional Districts Cartographic Boundary Files

These cartographic boundary files are a generalized extract from the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER database. Very small polygons were eliminated when the combination of geographic codes existed elsewhere. The geography was clipped back to the shoreline of the United States, in contrast to TIGER/Line which shows the full extent of geography out to the 3-mile limit. If detailed 108th Congressional District boundaries are needed, you must use the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files.


Because of coordinate thinning:

  1. Cartographic boundary files should not be used for geocoding;
  2. Some offshore, redundant, zero population and housing land areas may be absent from the files;
  3. Cartographic Boundary files are not necessarily vertically integrated with previous boundary file sets.
Generalized 108th Congressional District Boundary Files

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division,
Cartographic Products Management Branch

Created: July 18, 2001
Last Revised: April 19, 2005 at 02:46:02 PM