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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Thursday, May 22, 2008


Secretary Gutierrez Applauds Senate on Resolution about Cuba Solidarity Day

WASHINGTON—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez released the following statement on the U.S. Senate Resolution 573 regarding Cuba Solidarity Day:

“I want to congratulate the U.S. Senate for passing a resolution recognizing Cuba Solidarity Day and the struggle of the Cuban people as they continue to fight for freedom. I applaud their efforts to shine a spotlight on the suffering of Cuban political prisoners. The President stated yesterday that the United States will, ‘continue to support the Cubans who work to make their nation democratic and prosperous and just.’ The Senate’s unanimous consent shows overwhelming bipartisan support for the cause of freedom and human rights in Cuba. Particularly, I would like to thank Senator Mel Martinez and his co-sponsors Senators John Ensign, Bill Nelson, Robert Menendez, Norm Coleman and Joe Lieberman for their leadership and dedication to this cause.”*

Secretary Gutierrez co-chairs with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, a U.S. Cabinet-level commission formed to explore ways the United States can help hasten and ease a democratic transition in Cuba.

*This is a corrected release. The original inadvertently left Sen. Ensign reference out of the Secretary’s quote.