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Outreach and Communication: Out in the Field

The only way to solve problems is to hear them from you and then to take the issue to its source.  So since the middle of last year, we have been visiting businesses and workers across the U.S. and engaging with our foreign counterparts all over the world.  Talking to our exporters is the best way to find out where there are problems to solve.

If you would like more information on one of the visits, please contact the following staff based on your interest area:

Les Williamson for general visits at 202-482-3022.
Andrew Rudman for NAFTA-specific at 202-482-6452.
David De Falco for Europe-specific at 202-482-2178.
Kevin Ellis for Trade Compliance Center-specific at 202-482-2435

Constant Communication:

In addition to travel, MAC has compliance liaisons with:

  • 115 Industry Associations
  • 250 Congressional Offices
  • 9 Labor Unions
  • 55 District Export Councils

If your organization would like to designate a compliance liaison, please email the Trade Compliance Center at tcc@ita.doc.gov or call (202) 482-1191.

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Trade Compliance Center | International Trade Administration | U.S. Department of Commerce