Trade Act of 2000 Category 41
                                          |                                     |                                                 October 7, 2008    A12
                                          |      TRADE PREFERENCE PROGRAMS      |
                                          |       By Category,  8/2008 Data     |

                                           Category  41:  WOOL APPAREL PRODUCTS
                                                    Data in Million M2  

                                                                                                       Year-to-Date             Year-Ending
                                                                                    2006     2007    8/2007    8/2008        8/2008     7/2008    6/2008

 Total Imports.................................................................   12.989   11.798     7.598     5.791         9.991     10.897    10.974
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    4.198    4.302     2.800     0.707         2.210      2.644     2.969
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    1.551    0.141     0.140     0.012         0.013      0.003     0.002
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.056    0.001     0.001     0.000         0.000      0.001     0.001
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.172    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    1.223    0.131     0.130     0.000         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.010         0.010      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.070    0.009     0.009     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.008    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.020    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.000
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.475    0.639     0.294     0.316         0.662      0.669     0.702
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.317    0.495     0.187     0.299         0.607      0.560     0.594
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.135    0.035     0.026     0.034         0.043      0.034     0.033
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.116    0.380     0.135     0.171         0.416      0.435     0.473
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.038    0.044     0.003     0.027         0.068      0.045     0.045
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.027    0.035     0.022     0.067         0.080      0.045     0.042
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    5.501    5.169     3.436     3.005         4.739      4.875     4.810
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.808    0.615     0.413     0.377         0.578      0.575     0.588
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    4.079    4.020     2.636     2.456         3.841      3.943     3.817
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.124    0.128     0.113     0.064         0.079      0.078     0.076
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    1.726    2.042     1.196     1.241         2.086      2.147     2.142
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.091    0.146     0.145     0.042         0.043      0.045     0.045
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.007    0.016     0.003     0.003         0.016      0.017     0.016
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    2.130    1.688     1.178     1.105         1.615      1.654     1.536

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.620    4.510     2.861     2.190         3.839      4.365     4.350
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.062    0.062     0.016     0.011         0.058      0.060     0.066
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.130    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.101    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.024    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.004    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   El Salvador
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.349    0.609     0.467     0.200         0.342      0.523     0.569
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.018    0.043     0.005     0.002         0.040      0.040     0.041

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.447    0.296     0.179     0.113         0.229      0.263     0.274
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.268    0.193     0.119     0.092         0.167      0.175     0.175
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.021    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.005    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.011    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.363    0.216     0.216     0.009         0.009      0.019     0.019
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.080    0.128     0.128     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.022    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.022    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   Costa Rica
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.752    0.729     0.405     0.290         0.614      0.646     0.671
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.487    0.577     0.331     0.238         0.483      0.526     0.551
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.110    0.062     0.060     0.010         0.011      0.002     0.002
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.002    0.001     0.001     0.000         0.000      0.001     0.001
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.105    0.060     0.059     0.000         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.010         0.010      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.006    0.001     0.001     0.002         0.002      0.002     0.002
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.001     0.001     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.006    0.011     0.006     0.011         0.016      0.017     0.016
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.002    0.004     0.001     0.005         0.008      0.007     0.007
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.002         0.002      0.001     0.000
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.000
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.000     0.000

   Dominican Republic
 Total Imports.................................................................    6.443    5.424     3.462     2.972         4.934      5.056     5.069
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    3.281    3.295     2.199     0.357         1.454      1.835     2.129
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    1.269    0.080     0.080     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.049    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.172    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.992    0.071     0.071     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.044    0.009     0.009     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.009    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   St Kitts and Nevis
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   Antigua and Barbuda
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.002         0.002      0.002     0.000

   St Lucia
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   Trinidad and Tobago
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.002         0.002      0.002     0.002

   Netherlands Antilles
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.246    3.791     2.806     2.456         3.440      3.531     3.529
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.808    0.615     0.413     0.377         0.578      0.575     0.588
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.075    2.846     2.107     2.014         2.753      2.806     2.744
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.116    0.125     0.110     0.059         0.074      0.074     0.072
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.964    1.222     0.849     0.958         1.331      1.375     1.381
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.091    0.146     0.145     0.042         0.043      0.045     0.045
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    1.904    1.353     1.004     0.954         1.304      1.312     1.246

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.367    0.339     0.134     0.085         0.289      0.287     0.284
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.209    0.235     0.084     0.043         0.193      0.195     0.190
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.002         0.002      0.002     0.002
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.116    0.139     0.059     0.017         0.096      0.096     0.095
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.006    0.016     0.003     0.003         0.016      0.017     0.016
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    0.083    0.080     0.022     0.021         0.080      0.080     0.077

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.741    0.875     0.414     0.377         0.838      0.875     0.824
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.664    0.789     0.372     0.334         0.751      0.791     0.736
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.003    0.002     0.002     0.002         0.002      0.002     0.000
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.525    0.550     0.227     0.208         0.531      0.541     0.535
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    0.134    0.236     0.143     0.123         0.216      0.247     0.199

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.147    0.165     0.081     0.086         0.171      0.182     0.174
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.130    0.152     0.074     0.066         0.144      0.151     0.147
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.001    0.001     0.001     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.121    0.131     0.062     0.058         0.128      0.135     0.130
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    0.008    0.019     0.010     0.006         0.015      0.015     0.015

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.001     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.004     0.004     0.000         0.000      0.005     0.005
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.004     0.004     0.000         0.000      0.004     0.004
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.000    0.004     0.004     0.000         0.000      0.004     0.004

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.007    0.163     0.005     0.082         0.240      0.241     0.240
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.005    0.161     0.003     0.081         0.239      0.239     0.239
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.005    0.161     0.003     0.081         0.239      0.239     0.239

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.048    0.030     0.013     0.011         0.028      0.029     0.030
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.023    0.007     0.004     0.004         0.007      0.008     0.007
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.011    0.004     0.002     0.001         0.003      0.004     0.004
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.006    0.004     0.002     0.002         0.004      0.004     0.004
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.006    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.267    0.385     0.225     0.179         0.340      0.350     0.365
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.158    0.271     0.132     0.171         0.311      0.268     0.283
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.105    0.196     0.108     0.079         0.166      0.181     0.200
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.032    0.041     0.002     0.025         0.064      0.042     0.042
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.021    0.035     0.022     0.067         0.080      0.045     0.042

   South Africa
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.144    0.036     0.027     0.033         0.042      0.033     0.032
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.122    0.032     0.024     0.032         0.040      0.030     0.030
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.122    0.032     0.024     0.032         0.040      0.030     0.030

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.017     0.017     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.017
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.017     0.017     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.017
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.000    0.017     0.017     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.017

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.006    0.002     0.002     0.011         0.011      0.011     0.013
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.006    0.002     0.002     0.011         0.011      0.011     0.013
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.006    0.002     0.002     0.011         0.011      0.011     0.013

Source:  U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles and Apparel.