Trade Act of 2000 Category 0
                                          |                                     |                                                 October 7, 2008    A1
                                          |      TRADE PREFERENCE PROGRAMS      |
                                          |       By Category,  8/2008 Data     |

                                           Category   0:  TOTAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS (MFA)
                                                    Data in Million M2  

                                                                                                       Year-to-Date             Year-Ending
                                                                                    2006     2007    8/2007    8/2008        8/2008     7/2008    6/2008

 Total Imports................................................................. 3796.364 3701.258  2480.195  2502.268      3723.331   3751.483  3722.945
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)  372.943  341.939   236.768   198.023       303.194    314.745   322.477
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)... 1396.429  481.475   355.530   212.338       338.283    348.481   349.129
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...  588.420  149.150   128.698    30.800        51.252     55.863    62.927
   9802.00.8046 Luggage from U.S. formed and cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)..    0.046    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process   24.011    9.724     8.495     3.352         4.581      4.625     4.425
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809  153.595   40.588    29.651    12.112        23.049     26.119    27.810
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)  276.894  132.479    85.130    86.878       134.228    133.968   127.963
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........   83.095   84.648    60.400    33.700        57.947     59.944    61.025
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............   12.954    1.272     1.180     0.217         0.308      0.297     0.296
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........  232.268   57.784    39.961    27.345        45.168     47.649    48.188
   9820.11.21     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.772    0.381     0.260     0.000         0.120      0.160     0.180
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    7.329    0.381     0.381     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    1.845    0.227     0.227     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)   15.200    0.805     0.556     0.577         0.827      0.791     0.754
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    2.187     0.453     2.533         4.266      4.252     3.790
   9820.61.30     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    1.113     0.124     9.016        10.005      9.146     7.270
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.736     0.013     5.807         6.530      5.665     4.502

 Total Imports.................................................................  338.826  345.702   233.652   215.413       327.463    325.278   328.730
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  317.934  326.740   223.372   193.574       296.942    298.430   302.754
   9819.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    3.632    2.107     1.615     0.127         0.619      0.680     0.889
   9819.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.028    0.006     0.006     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......   22.277   15.600    11.714     6.023         9.910     10.645    10.655
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr  283.205  295.617   202.866   176.229       268.979    270.189   275.182
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.041    0.044     0.003     0.027         0.068      0.045     0.045
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.027    0.035     0.022     0.067         0.080      0.045     0.042
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    5.289    6.758     4.070     4.002         6.689      6.680     6.427
   9819.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    3.408    3.832     2.542     2.897         4.187      3.855     4.028
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.029    0.162     0.041     0.034         0.155      0.176     0.173
   9819.11.30     Apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread (mixed cutting)......    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.15.10     Apparel from fabric deemed to be in abundant supply (denim)..    0.000    2.577     0.492     4.169         6.255      6.115     5.312

 Total Imports.................................................................  262.709  239.606   169.490   134.702       204.818    210.053   215.266
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   11.807    9.721     6.859     5.389         8.251      8.391     8.658
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  205.236  176.563   121.241   104.869       160.191    163.915   167.562
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......   25.778   16.429    10.818     9.735        15.346     15.381    14.919
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    2.083    2.189     1.310     1.295         2.174      2.261     2.261
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.254    0.300     0.272     0.111         0.139      0.156     0.139
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.002    0.031     0.022     0.050         0.059      0.056     0.041
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.076    0.103     0.061     0.032         0.073      0.064     0.071
   9821.11.16     Handloomed, handmade, or folklore articles...................    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.19     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or an ATPDEA count    0.283    0.070     0.049     0.045         0.065      0.068     0.069
   9821.11.22     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.025    0.012     0.007     0.004         0.008      0.010     0.010
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn  176.733  157.430   108.702    93.597       142.326    145.919   150.051

 Total Imports.................................................................  464.125  411.504   285.485   259.454       385.473    394.701   396.051
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   41.485   36.897    26.195    20.245        30.948     32.313    33.328
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   88.882    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    4.489    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    1.321    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   15.883    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   48.164    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    6.033    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.261    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   10.783    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.21     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.209    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    1.738    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................   12.522    8.601     7.667     0.071         1.005      1.224     2.547
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.026    0.049     0.030     0.002         0.021      0.021     0.024
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   11.549    8.551     7.636     0.069         0.984      1.203     2.523
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   11.549    8.551     7.636     0.069         0.984      1.203     2.523

   El Salvador
 Total Imports.................................................................  744.208  823.731   539.037   586.908       871.603    875.356   868.127
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)  120.014  113.958    76.254    74.131       111.836    113.631   114.710
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   73.992    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   16.071    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.050    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    2.287    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   17.313    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    4.187    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.413    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   30.752    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    2.151    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.123    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.645    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports................................................................. 1144.155 1234.912   805.538   891.014      1320.389   1322.460  1307.295
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   55.695   52.571    40.892    19.255        30.934     34.216    37.627
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  231.578    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   36.991    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    5.249    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   10.661    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   79.407    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........   23.155    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    2.286    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   63.349    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.735    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.024    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    9.721    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................  252.400  285.556   186.852   217.284       315.988    316.573   310.632
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    6.260    0.165     0.160     1.298         1.303      1.031     0.778
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   18.311    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.853    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    6.185    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    7.007    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    1.323    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.071    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    1.717    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.023    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    1.131    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   Costa Rica
 Total Imports.................................................................  308.836  276.119   195.306   146.679       227.492    237.476   241.632
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   78.949  101.030    64.372    72.972       109.630    112.704   113.046
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  203.188  161.867   120.382    64.735       106.220    113.088   118.455
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...  144.513   89.604    72.076    30.512        48.040     50.989    54.830
   9802.00.8046 Luggage from U.S. formed and cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)..    0.046    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    6.909    6.412     5.191     3.340         4.561      4.607     4.407
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   12.771   22.899    14.719     7.707        15.887     18.181    19.635
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   13.266   14.676     9.689     6.526        11.513     12.075    12.056
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    0.018    0.299     0.146     0.431         0.584      0.593     0.550
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.296    0.254     0.165     0.215         0.304      0.291     0.289
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   24.679   27.332    18.124    16.003        25.210     26.191    26.508
   9820.11.21     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.638    0.377     0.256     0.000         0.120      0.160     0.180
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.032    0.006     0.006     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.020    0.008     0.008     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    1.796    1.441     1.156     1.066         1.350      1.394     1.437
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.000    0.048     0.012     0.077         0.113      0.116     0.111
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.077    0.037     0.034     0.002         0.005      0.006     0.006
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.051    0.022     0.022     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.024    0.014     0.012     0.002         0.005      0.006     0.006
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.026    0.112     0.102     0.009         0.019      0.018     0.019

 Total Imports.................................................................   26.338   19.409    14.770     7.192        11.831     12.900    13.568
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    1.921    0.873     0.696     0.347         0.524      0.520     0.531
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   23.539   18.529    14.068     6.839        11.300     12.374    13.032
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   20.270   12.779    11.574     0.020         1.225      2.201     3.446
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.777    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    2.293    1.470     0.834     1.294         1.930      1.954     1.803
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    0.142    0.117     0.095     0.041         0.063      0.071     0.069
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.058    4.164     1.566     5.484         8.082      8.148     7.714

 Total Imports.................................................................  251.588  247.114   167.023   140.682       220.773    223.712   218.605
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   34.684   11.927    10.228     0.020         1.719      2.805     4.361
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  213.581  234.073   155.833   139.457       217.698    219.492   212.822
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   72.389   15.825    15.115     0.113         0.823      1.290     1.927
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.017    0.016     0.009     0.005         0.013      0.011     0.011
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    6.548    7.733     5.086     4.323         6.970      7.663     7.912
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   67.155  104.445    62.719    79.058       120.785    119.939   114.104
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........   42.560   83.218    59.145    33.227        57.300     59.280    60.405
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   24.507   18.212    12.829     4.797        10.179     11.456    12.148
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.089    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.316    0.589     0.339     0.577         0.827      0.791     0.754
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    2.187     0.453     2.533         4.266      4.252     3.790
   9820.61.30     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    1.113     0.124     9.016        10.005      9.146     7.270
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.000    0.736     0.013     5.807         6.530      5.665     4.502

   Dominican Republic
 Total Imports.................................................................  587.711  390.065   275.511   250.398       364.952    362.972   360.327
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   33.831   24.419    17.929     9.638        16.127     17.350    17.923
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  529.637   56.065    56.065     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...  280.405   22.130    22.130     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process   10.463    3.285     3.285     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   98.211    9.542     9.542     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   42.289   11.888    11.888     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    5.678    1.014     1.014     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    9.603    1.003     1.003     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   75.442    6.389     6.389     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.21     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.132    0.004     0.004     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    4.200    0.375     0.375     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    1.566    0.219     0.219     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    1.648    0.216     0.216     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   British Virgin Isls.
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.281    0.078     0.078     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.000

   St Kitts and Nevis
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.042    0.016     0.016     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.016

   Antigua and Barbuda
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.016    0.011     0.000     0.005         0.016      0.016     0.014

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.003    0.036     0.000     0.092         0.128      0.128     0.128

   St Lucia
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.124    0.099     0.054     0.011         0.056      0.057     0.078
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.123    0.072     0.052     0.011         0.030      0.030     0.050
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.123    0.072     0.052     0.011         0.030      0.030     0.050

   St Vincent/Grenadines
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.029         0.029      0.029     0.029

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.002    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.015    0.057     0.057     0.014         0.014      0.005     0.056
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.010    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.005    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.004    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   Trinidad and Tobago
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.180    0.110     0.096     0.085         0.099      0.100     0.089
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.039    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.092    0.094     0.091     0.037         0.041      0.044     0.032
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.091    0.094     0.091     0.037         0.040      0.043     0.031

   Netherlands Antilles
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.072    0.090     0.076     0.040         0.053      0.061     0.032

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.001    0.002     0.000     0.000         0.002      0.002     0.002

 Total Imports.................................................................  141.248  119.663    87.774    62.544        94.433     97.161    99.173
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   11.599    9.721     6.859     5.389         8.251      8.391     8.658
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   97.058   67.866    47.343    40.446        60.969     62.666    63.165
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......   24.812   14.821     9.435     9.267        14.653     14.695    14.284
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    1.187    1.238     0.859     0.963         1.343      1.390     1.395
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.117    0.171     0.169     0.083         0.086      0.098     0.065
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.000    0.006     0.002     0.007         0.011      0.013     0.013
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.040    0.017     0.014     0.000         0.003      0.003     0.003
   9821.11.19     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or an ATPDEA count    0.283    0.070     0.049     0.045         0.065      0.068     0.069
   9821.11.22     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.005    0.004     0.000     0.002         0.006      0.006     0.006
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn   70.615   51.539    36.815    30.078        44.802     46.393    47.330

 Total Imports.................................................................    1.924    2.192     1.371     1.236         2.058      2.297     2.261
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.038    0.000     0.000     0.038         0.038      0.038     0.038
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    1.871    2.186     1.369     1.188         2.005      2.244     2.208
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.716    0.167     0.091     0.074         0.150      0.150     0.150
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.000    0.011     0.011     0.007         0.007      0.007     0.007
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.177    0.320     0.213     0.045         0.152      0.232     0.232
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.978    1.688     1.054     1.062         1.696      1.855     1.819

 Total Imports.................................................................   12.481   15.310     9.958     7.878        13.231     13.888    13.911
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.023    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   10.405   14.247     9.427     7.553        12.374     12.928    12.921
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.631    1.403     1.262     0.188         0.328      0.403     0.440
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.119    0.145     0.064     0.019         0.101      0.102     0.104
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.017    0.051     0.031     0.018         0.038      0.038     0.039
   9821.11.16     Handloomed, handmade, or folklore articles...................    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    9.634   12.648     8.070     7.328        11.906     12.385    12.338

 Total Imports.................................................................  104.301  100.792    69.275    62.186        93.702     95.416    98.572
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   93.488   90.760    62.069    54.872        83.563     84.899    88.033
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.309    0.135     0.079     0.257         0.313      0.225     0.129
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.643    0.663     0.319     0.236         0.580      0.605     0.607
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.133    0.128     0.103     0.028         0.053      0.058     0.073
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.002    0.025     0.020     0.043         0.048      0.043     0.029
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.019    0.035     0.016     0.014         0.033      0.023     0.029
   9821.11.22     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.020    0.007     0.007     0.002         0.002      0.005     0.005
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn   92.362   89.767    61.527    54.293        82.534     83.940    87.161

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.679    3.841     2.482     2.094         3.453      3.587     3.610
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.186    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    4.286    3.689     2.401     1.997         3.285      3.422     3.443
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.026    0.070     0.042     0.024         0.051      0.057     0.066
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.134    0.142     0.068     0.076         0.150      0.164     0.155
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.004    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.22     Luggage from U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(809).................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    4.122    3.477     2.291     1.898         3.084      3.201     3.222

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.042    0.325     0.199     0.117         0.244      0.286     0.257
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.145     0.029     0.005         0.121      0.150     0.148
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.000    0.145     0.029     0.005         0.121      0.150     0.148

 Total Imports.................................................................    7.278    5.566     4.094     0.318         1.790      2.171     2.412
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    6.655    5.391     3.959     0.228         1.660      2.046     2.247
   9819.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    3.632    2.088     1.615     0.053         0.526      0.634     0.843
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.005    0.000     0.000     0.008         0.008      0.008     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    3.000    3.288     2.333     0.151         1.105      1.384     1.384
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.018    0.015     0.011     0.017         0.021      0.021     0.020

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.046    0.127     0.120     0.034         0.040      0.128     0.123
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.006    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.006    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.793    3.391     1.938     4.257         5.710      5.237     5.067
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.116    2.887     1.750     4.138         5.275      4.682     4.513
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    3.112    2.885     1.749     4.128         5.263      4.679     4.510
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.003    0.002     0.001     0.011         0.012      0.004     0.004

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.527    0.286     0.196     0.048         0.138      0.198     0.195
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.526    0.280     0.191     0.042         0.131      0.196     0.192
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.000    0.187     0.133     0.042         0.096      0.161     0.157
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.526    0.094     0.059     0.000         0.035      0.035     0.035

 Total Imports.................................................................   65.790   69.660    43.690    42.791        68.761     68.691    70.293
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   64.202   67.641    42.299    42.292        67.634     67.508    68.965
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   64.202   67.641    42.299    42.292        67.634     67.508    68.965

 Total Imports.................................................................    1.340    0.962     0.620     0.680         1.022      1.058     1.049
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.667    0.564     0.381     0.367         0.550      0.618     0.607
   9819.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.000    0.019     0.000     0.074         0.093      0.046     0.046
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.667    0.545     0.381     0.293         0.457      0.572     0.561

 Total Imports.................................................................   21.903   19.211    13.472    10.626        16.366     16.267    16.525
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   19.917   18.306    12.751     9.653        15.207     15.031    15.234
   9819.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.009    0.006     0.006     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......   11.197    7.707     6.132     2.752         4.327      4.492     4.775
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.008    0.004     0.002     0.002         0.004      0.004     0.004
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.006    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    5.289    6.756     4.069     4.002         6.689      6.680     6.427
   9819.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    3.408    3.832     2.542     2.897         4.187      3.855     4.028

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.212    0.058     0.058     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.200    0.058     0.058     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.200    0.058     0.058     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................   55.219   74.499    49.105    48.890        74.284     74.857    75.127
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   53.821   72.712    47.655    48.464        73.521     74.035    74.265
   9819.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.019    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.059    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   53.690   72.637    47.632    48.372        73.376     73.949    74.181
   9819.11.15     Cashmere sweaters, knit-to-shape.............................    0.032    0.041     0.002     0.025         0.064      0.042     0.042
   9819.11.18     Merino wool sweaters, knit-to-shape..........................    0.021    0.035     0.022     0.067         0.080      0.045     0.042

   South Africa
 Total Imports.................................................................   21.251   16.350     8.081    21.343        29.612     25.607    24.037
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   10.194    4.469     2.868     2.301         3.902      4.092     3.757
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......   10.194    4.467     2.866     2.301         3.902      4.092     3.757
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.001     0.001     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.30     Apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread (mixed cutting)......    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................   10.805    8.955     7.796     0.004         1.163      1.898     2.812
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   10.265    8.936     7.777     0.000         1.159      1.894     2.808
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   10.265    8.936     7.777     0.000         1.159      1.894     2.808
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    7.510    5.451     3.675     2.136         3.913      4.020     4.042
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    7.091    5.322     3.546     2.136         3.913      4.020     4.042
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    7.091    5.322     3.546     2.136         3.913      4.020     4.042

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.007    0.007     0.006     0.003         0.005      0.004     0.006
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.001         0.001      0.001     0.001

 Total Imports.................................................................   41.481   39.843    28.028    24.898        36.712     35.314    35.077
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   41.117   39.683    27.984    24.861        36.561     35.162    34.927
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.003    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   41.114   39.683    27.984    24.861        36.561     35.162    34.927
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    5.458    5.868     4.486     2.205         3.587      3.851     4.215
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    5.458    5.868     4.486     2.202         3.584      3.849     4.212
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    5.458    5.868     4.486     2.202         3.584      3.849     4.212

 Total Imports.................................................................   95.164   95.143    68.091    57.063        84.115     85.689    87.492
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   94.697   94.479    67.638    56.882        83.723     85.145    86.837
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.152    2.695     2.202     0.627         1.119      1.320     1.406
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   94.545   89.207    64.944    52.087        76.349     77.710    80.120
   9819.15.10     Apparel from fabric deemed to be in abundant supply (denim)..    0.000    2.577     0.492     4.169         6.255      6.115     5.312

Source:  U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles and Apparel.