Vietnam Import Monitoring Program
U.S. General Import Data by Textile Category and 10-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule Number

The Department is instituting an import monitoring program for textile and apparel products from Vietnam. The following links provide volume, value, and unit value data for specific 3-digit textile categories within the five product groupings. Further links provide volume, value, and unit value information for each 10-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule number within each of the 3-digit textile categories.

The monitoring program begins upon Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organization and expires at the end of the current Administration. This information will be updated monthly. The five product groupings constitute the Administration’s initial monitoring efforts. The products covered by the monitoring program may be modified in the future in response to input received from interested parties, changes in the trade, or as the Department broadens its understanding of the composition, structure and interests of the domestic textile and apparel industry.