U.S. Census Bureau
Current Population Survey (CPS)
A joint effort between the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau

Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) Supplement

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Table PINC-10. Wage and Salary Workers--People 15 Years Old and Over, by Total Wage and Salary Income in 2007, Work Experience in 2007, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex.

Symbols Used in Tables
  (B)    Base less than 75,000.
  (NA) Not available.
  (X)    Not applicable.

Use a landscape setting and legal size paper to print these tables.

Note: A.O.I.C stands for alone or in combination.

Both Sexes:
All Races
White A.O.I.C.
White alone
White alone, not Hispanic
Black A.O.I.C.
Black alone
Asian A.O.I.C.
Asian alone
Hispanic (of any race)

All Races
White A.O.I.C.
White alone
White alone, not Hispanic
Black A.O.I.C.
Black alone
Asian A.O.I.C.
Asian alone
Hispanic (of any race)

All Races
White A.O.I.C.
White alone
White alone, not Hispanic
Black A.O.I.C.
Black alone
Asian A.O.I.C.
Asian alone
Hispanic (of any race)

Race Footnotes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Census Bureau Question & Answer Center at ask.census.gov
Last revised: August 26, 2008
URL: http://pubdb3.census.gov/macro/032008/perinc/new10_000.htm