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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Finance and Litigation:
Contract Law Division

Client Assignments

Procurements now underway will continue with the present attorney.

Primary Attorney(s)
Backup Attorney
A-76 Coordination Kopatich, Flanagan    
Acq Rev Board Member
AWIPS Flanagan Langstein  
CAC Liaison Langstein, Kopatich    
CASC Langstein, Kalish    
CENSUS Crotts Kopatich  
CENSUS-JVille Crotts Kopatich  
CITRB Langstein, Kopatich & attorneys assigned to procurements being considered    
COMMITS Lee Langstein, Kalish  
EASC Canzano Weber  
GOES-R Upadhyaya Langstein  
Interagency Agreement Committee Langstein Flanagan, Kopatich Flanagan principal backup
International All, Langstein to assign    
Internet-Domain Name Project Crotts Langstein  
MASC   Crotts  
NDBC Kopatich Weber  
NIST Kopatich Brown, Flanagan, Langstein  
NMFS Observers Lee, Kalish, Langstein    
NOAA AMD Flanagan, Brown Langstein
Weber to continue fleet support
NOAA Supercomputer Brown, Langstein
Non-NOAA AMD Weber Canzano  
OAM Weber Lee  
OIG Canzano    
Real Property & Leasing Flanagan, Weber   Flanagan to assign
Special Projects Upadhyaya    
Statute & Regulation Review Langstein, Kopatich    
WASC Lee, Kalish    



Office Contact:
Mark Langstein
202-482-1122 Voice

Administrative Contact Kim Taylor

Visit CLD's Web Pages:
arrow rightClient Assignments
arrow rightDivision Staff

arrow rightLegal Review   Thresholds
arrow rightWhere in Federal   Contracting?
arrow rightFirstGov

Statutes & Regulations:
arrow rightFederal Grant &   Cooperative   Agreements Act of   1977
arrow rightCommerce Acquisition   Regulation
arrow rightFederal Acquisition   Regulation
arrow rightContract Disputes Act
arrow rightOMB Circular A-76
arrow rightCompetition in   Contracting Act


arrow rightLawyer's View Articles

Links of Interest:
arrow rightCentral Administrative   Support Center
arrow rightEastern   Administrative
  Support Center

arrow rightMountain   Administrative
  Support Center
arrow rightNOAA Acquisition   Management Division
arrow rightNIST Acquisition   Management Division
arrow rightOffice of Acquisition   Management
arrow rightOffice of Small and   Disadvantaged   Business Utilization
arrow rightUS Census Bureau   Acquisition   Management Division
arrow rightWestern   Administrative
  Support Center

Related Links:
arrow rightAcqNet
arrow rightG A O
arrow rightG S A
arrow rightGSBCA
arrow rightPubKLaw
arrow rightJ A G’s Legal Center &   School
arrow rightOffice of Federal   Procurement Policy
arrow rightSeven Steps Guide to   Performance-Base   Services Acquisition
arrow rightShare A-76!


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