Table E1
Number of Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E2
Number of Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E3
Number of Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E4
Estimated Private Wage and Salary Worker Participation Rates Under Primary and Supplemental Pension Plans

Table E5
Number of Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E6
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E7
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E8
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E9
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E10
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E11
Pension Plan Assets
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E12
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E13
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E14
Pension Plan Contributions
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E15
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E16
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E17
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E18
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed From Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E19
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed From Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Table E20
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1977-1996

Table E21
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Single Employer Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1977-1996

Table E22
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Multiemployer Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1977-1996

Table E23
Number of 401(k) Type Plans, Participants, Assets, Contributions, and Benefit Payments

Table E24
Aggregate Rates of Return Earned by Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants

Table E25
Aggregate Investment Performance of Private Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants

Table E26
Aggregate Rates of Return Earned by Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and 401(k) Plans with 100 or More Participants

Graph E1
Number of Pension Plans

Graph E2
Pension Plan Active Participants

Graph E3
Pension Coverage of Wage and Salary Workers

Graph E4
Pension Plan Assets

Graph E5
Pension Plan Contributions and Benefits

Graph E6
Rates of Return
by type of plan, 1985-1996

Graph E7
Rates of Return for Single and Multiemployer Plans

Graph E8
Rates of Return for 401(k) Type Plans

Graph E9
Rates of Return for ESOPs

Graph E10
Assets Per Participant
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Graph E11
Participants per Plan
by type of plan, 1977-1996

Graph E12
Distribution of Pension Plans, Participants, and Assets
by plan size, 1996


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