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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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Communications Center

Here you will find policy updates and other messages that AmeriCorps staff typically send to you via e-mail, for easy access and continued reference.

10/30/2008 2009 Admin/PDAT/Disability Update

10/23/2008 AmeriCorps State and National Update

9/30/2008 eGrants Open for Applications

9/18/2008 WBRS

More Communications Center Messages

AmeriCorps offers a number of resources to help you manage your grant effectively. For information and assistance in serving communities, building capacity, enhancing quality, working with members and more, please see the following resources:

AmeriCorps State and National

AmeriCorps VISTA

Other Resources

AmeriCorps Provisions

AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Guidance and Federal Register Guidelines

Grant Management Resources

Oversight, Assessment, and Monitoring

The Corporation is responsible for ensuring all federal resources are appropriately managed, which includes conducting monitoring visits to award recipients (e.g., grantees, cooperative agreement recipients, sponsors). In addition, the State Administrative Standards Review (ASR) process is the most comprehensive monitoring tool that the Corporation for National and Community Service uses to assess the administrative capacity of state commissions.

The ASR tool is also used for other AmeriCorps*State monitoring activities, including desk reviews and on-site mornitoring visits.

Recruit Members for Your Project

To assist you in reaching a national pool of potential members, you can list your program opportunities in the online My AmeriCorps Recruitment System.

Closeout Documents and Instructions

CNCS grants usually are awarded for a 3 year Project Period, consisting of three yearly budget periods. CNCS direct grantees are responsible for meeting the submission deadlines for closeout. Closeout documents are due to your corporation Grants Officer no later than 90 days after the expiration of the Project Period.

National Service Criminal History Checks

The Corporation for National and Community Service has issued a regulation requiring grantees to conduct and document National Service Criminal History Checks on Senior Companions and Foster Grandparents, as well as on AmeriCorps State and National (including Education Award Program) participants who, on a recurring basis, have access to children, persons age 60 or older, or individuals with disabilities.

The rule was published in the Federal Register on August 24, 2007.

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