
Table F1
Number of Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F2
Number of Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F3
Number of Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F4
Estimated Wage and Salary Worker Participation Rates Under Primary and Supplemental Pension Plans, 1975-1993

Table F5
Number of Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan 1975-1993

Table F6
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F7
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F8
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F9
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F10
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or more Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F11
Pension Plan Assets
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F12
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F13
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F14
Pension Plan Contributions
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F15
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F16
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F17
Pension Plan Benefits of Plans
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F18
Pension Plan Benefits of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F19
Pension Plan Benefits of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-1993

Table F20
Percent Distribution of Vesting Status of Pension Plan Active Participants in Plans with 100 or More Participants, 1975-1993

Table F21
Percent Distribution of Vesting Status of Pension Plan Active Participants in Single Employer Plans with 100 or More Participants, 1975-1993

Table F22
Percent Distribution of Vesting Status of Pension Plan Active Participants in Multiemployer Plans with 100 or More Participants, 1975-1993

Table F23
Number of 401(k) Type Plans, Participants, Assets, Contributions, and Benefit Payments, 1984-1993

Graph F1
Number of Pension Plans, 1975-1993

Graph F2
Pension Plan Active Participants, 1975-1993

Graph F3
Pension Coverage of Wage and Salary Workers, 1975-1993

Graph F4
Pension Plan Assets, 1975-1993

Graph F5
Pension Plan Contributions and Benefits, 1975-1993



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