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Listed below are the results of your search. If you are unable to find an audit report, please email us or visit our FOIA page to request a report through the FOIA process.

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  1. Effect of Employee Leasing on the State of Georgia Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
    Report No. 03-98-007-03-315 (September 30, 1998)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {8.76 MB} | [ Response Get Response]

  2. Effectiveness of the District 11 Coal Mine Safety and Health Inspection Program Birmingham, Alabama (Mine Safety and Health Administration)
    Report No. 18-OACE-98-MSHA (September 30, 1998)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {125 KB}

  3. School-to-Work Opportunities Program in Iowa
    Report No. 05-98-006-03-385 (September 28, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {84.2 KB}

  4. The Arc of the United States - Financial and Performance Audit
    Report No. 06-98-007-03-340 (September 14, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {44.7 KB}

  5. OSHA Procurement Activities
    Report No. 17-98-005-10-001 (August 19, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {27.2 KB}

  6. Review of the Federal Employees' Compensation (FECA) Program Administration
    Report No. 15-OACE-98-OWCP (July 2, 1998)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {47.7 KB}

  7. Review of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Regional Office Operations Region II
    Report No. 14-OACE-98-OSHA (June 23, 1998)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {28.4 KB}

  8. Human Resource Management in the Solicitor's Office
    Report No. 17-98-002-08-001 (May 29, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {16 KB}

  9. District of Columbia Workmen's Compensation Act Special Fund Financial Statements and Related Reports
    Report No. 12-98-005-04-432 (May 14, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {123 KB}

  10. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Special Fund Financial Statements and Related Reports
    Report No. 12-98-004-04-432 (May 14, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {118 KB}

  11. Profiling JTPA's AFDC Participants
    Report No. 06-98-002-03-340 (May 7, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {110 KB}

  12. Project Joblinks Earthquake Recovery Grant
    Report No. 18-98-007-03-001 (April 7, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {103 KB}

  13. FECA Excess Payment Recovery Procedures Need Improvement
    Report No. 03-98-003-04-431 (March 31, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {54.9 KB}

  14. Adopting Best Practices Can Improve Placement Services to Students Terminating from the Job Corps Program
    Report No. 03-98-006-03-370 (March 31, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {112 KB}

  15. Consolidating Labor's Enforcement Responsibilities for the H-2A Program Could Better Protect U.S. Agricultural Workers
    Report No. 04-98-004-03-321 (March 31, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {136 KB}

  16. Fort Simcoe Job Corps Center
    Report No. 09-98-001-03-370 (March 31, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {161 KB}

  17. Review of the Acquisition and Implementation of Laptop Computer Technology in Mine Safety and Health Administration
    Report No. 11-OEI-98-MSHA (March 31, 1998)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {49.4 KB}

  18. Iowa Workforce Development
    Report No. 05-98-003-03-315 (March 27, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {73.1 KB}

  19. Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Enforcement Strategy
    Report No. 09-98-002-12-121 (March 27, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {51.3 KB}

  20. Streamlining the ERISA Filing Acceptance System and Developing the Enforcement Management System
    Report No. 17-98-001-12-001 (March 27, 1998)
    [ Summary ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {15.4 KB}

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